It’s a Festivus miracle!

Hope everyone has a good Christmas. I don’t celebrate it myself, I’m a Festivus man. You know the Festivus pole, the airing of grievances, the feats of strength and all that. Other than that I’m not even really aware that it’s the holidays at all. I’m certainly not doing anything different than any other week. I’m at work since I don’t get holidays off and it’s pretty normal here other than all the mechanics being gone. I’ve been just as busy as any other night being outside fueling ground equipment and helicopters and stuff. I could have gone on a little flight around town tonight in the Skyhawk with Powder but I told Ed to go instead. I can’t really fly in those little planes because I have ear problems anyway. Plus Ed hasn’t really gone up in one and I already did with Ben so I got my fill of it. I have no desire at all to be a pilot. Lots of people around here are just mesmerized by flight. To me it’s just another stupid airplane.

My marathon training is going fine. By then end of the month I will have run the second most amount of miles in a month that I have run in my limited running life so far and I still feel pretty good. My left calf was hurting pretty bad in the beginning but that has gone away pretty much, and I’m back to the point where I am not limited by my heart rate and breathing being too high but rather my stupid legs not wanting to work and go faster. I’m getting tired of running on the treadmill though, that’s for sure.

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