It’s a footrace!

Well I finally got the final results in for the State Farm 5k that I ran this morning. I did a lot better than I was expecting and pretty much ran better than I have ever run in my life which isn’t all that great of a time if you are comparing it to elite runners but it was pretty good for me. I could tell that I was pretty much at my limit though since my average heartrate through the whole race was 97% of max and I topped out at 104% at the finish. The NASA watch was bitching and moaning at me that my heartrate was too high and I would have known that even if I didn’t have the watch because my chest was hurting and it took me a long time to come back down after the race was over. Anyway here’s the results.

Name: Steven Korgie
Distance: 5K
Time: 28:31
Pace: 9:11
Overall Place: 182 of 433
Place in Gender: 102 of 169
Division M 30-34 Place: 22 of 32

Here is a link to the main results page, and here is a link to all the data that came out of the NASA watch from the race.

I’m very pleased with the results mainly because I’m not in almost dead last like last time and I passed quite a few people instead of getting passed by everyone. My goal eventually is to get my pace consistently between 8:30 and 9:00 per mile and not have a heart attack doing it so I can be a consistent mid pack runner. I’m just glad this was a short race because I don’t think I could have kept it up for any longer than I did at that speed. I’m just not in that great of shape yet. I’ve been training more to get enough endurance to go long and slow and not have to walk. I need to pace myself better for the next race which is a 10k.

Here’s the photos from the event. Unfortunately I never made any of the pictures other than being in the background watching the finish of the kids race.


My favorites were these cats right here though. I see the guy in the orange hat all the time out on the trails.



3 thoughts on “It’s a footrace!”

  1. Way to go Steve! … technically 182 out of 433 puts you ahead of the middle of the pack. I remember once some girl with about size 40 DDD passed me with this massive body sling holding it all together. I was a bit humbled that she could pass me, but a bit inspired to speed up just to watch!

    I’m watching your training log to ensure I know what I have to do to keep up.


  2. I wouldn’t worry too much about keeping up with me, the guy who has been running for a grand total of 2 months and sitting on his ass for the previous 10 years. Hell, today I did 7 miles at the insanely slow rate of 12:40 per mile. It sure felt like I was running but I just couldn’t seem to speed it up today so it was more like a shuffling jog than anything I guess. Oh well I went the whole way without stopping which is what I’m working on now anyway. I have to keep telling myself you get the same finishers medal whether you come in 4th place or 4000th place in the marathon or half marathon. All I’m worried about right now is being able to finish the half which is only a little over a month away now. I should be able to finish ok, it’ll just take me 2 hours and 45 minutes to do it is all…

  3. I’m impressed—Humm it would probably take me 10 hours to walk that far. grin. Good for you taking up running, maybe you can catch that gal with the 40 DDD, or at least watch the show—-I do good to walk my 5 miles 4 – 5 times a week, but guess thats not to bad for someone my age, most my age can’t even walk anymore. Love ya. GMW

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