It’s been weeks…

…since I’ve written anything new. Guess I just didn’t have inclination to write because I was kind of stressed out for the last week and a half of that stupid statistics class. 46% of my overall grade was due in the last couple days with a quiz, final exam and final project all due at the same time. I still don’t know what I got for a grade. The professor just sucked and I’m glad it’s over. Now I’ve got a couple weeks before the Summer semester starts.

I had 5k race on the 25th in Nebraska City that I ran with my uncle Joe. I started pretty well but got a bad side cramp and had to slow up and got passed by Joe. I ended up finishing at a slower overall pace than I did at the race the week before and I could hardly walk because my leg hurt so bad. It was hurting before so I rested it for a few days before the 5k but it hurt worse than ever after the race. It was so bad that I had to skip the Lincoln Marathon last week because there was no way I could finish and I didn’t want to be stupid and hurt it worse. Better to let it heal up.


So in the meantime I’ve been back on the bike. I’m signed up for a half marathon in Papillion next week and I’m going to go out tonight to run for the first time in a couple weeks. The leg has stopped hurting and hopefully it’s all healed up. I think I am going to keep it at about that distance instead of trying for the full marathon because the longer I have to go the less fun it is and the more that I hurt.

I bought a Blackberry a couple weeks ago and finally got text messaging and internet on my phone after resisting for years. I have to admit that it is convenient and I like how it makes emails seems like text messages too.

I don’t have anything else right now. I really don’t have much to say tonight and don’t really have any coherent thoughts to write about but I thought I better post something since it’s been a little while. It looks like next week it’ll be 5 years of having this stupid blog AND my birthday to talk about. How excitin…. nah, that’s not all that exciting either I guess.

Happy Mother’s Day Mom!

1 thought on “It’s been weeks…”

  1. Thanks! I liked the phone call and the e-mail and the fake candy (less calories than the real thing). I’d like to wish you a Happy Birthday next week. Thought I’d get a jump on that, just in case my dementia kicks in before that and I forget…after all you’re going to be 32, and that makes me…old. OK, well talk to you later, bye. Love ya, Mom.

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