It’s cold.

I’m so damn tired of the cold weather, I wish it would just get warm already and stay that way. It’s supposed to be snowing again soon and of course I picked up a shift of overtime tomorrow afternoon in it when I could be started on my weekend. Oh well I need the money this month for taxes.

At least I caught a nice break in the weather yesterday evening to get my 5 miles in when it wasn’t raining or windy so thats good. It was a little chilly until I got a couple miles into it and warmed up. I have possibly 3 races to run in the next couple weeks after this weekend. I’ve got a 10k next weekend, a possible 5k in Omaha that my uncle Joe was wanting someone to run with him that benefits the Ronald McDonald House and then the half marathon here in Lincoln the week after that. Then once that’s all done with I’m going to do the Duncan Aviation Ironman. It’s not a real ironman, you just have to do all the stuff in an ironman competition in a 14 day period and you get some sort of prize and a nice dryfit shirt and most likely get in the newsletter. You have to run 26.2 miles, bike 112 miles and either swim 2.4 miles or do circuit training 6 times. I’m already doing the running and circuit training part, all I need to do is add the biking which I would be doing now if the weather was nicer. Should be a piece of cake.

I’m thinking of volunteering for the 2008 National Veterans Wheelchair Games that they are having in Omaha this year. Mostly because I’m a veteran and I support the guys who have been fucked up, paralyzed and have lost limbs serving our country and partly because of that movie Murderball… That movie was cool. Murderball?? Anyone? The wheelchair rugby documentary? Nominated for an academy award a couple years back? No? I swear I’m the only one who has seen it. No one knows what I’m talking about. Anyway I’m thinking of going up to help out for a little bit with that. Anyone wanna go with me?

I just hit the 3 year mark of working for Duncan Aviation. Apparently HR is making a big deal about the 3 year mark now and I got a nice certificate, swiss army knife, and pizza for me and the rest of the crew. It’s nice I guess but I thought that too much was made out of it. 3 years isn’t that long, especially out here where it seems like most people are employed from cradle to grave. I got another eval out of it and had to type out a new touchy feely paper on what I’m going to improve on using all the nice buzzwords that HR likes to see in those things. Another raise should be coming out of the deal as well.

We got a new email about where they are planning to build the new facility whenever they get around to doing that. Now it’s going to be in Provo, Utah. Last I heard it was going to be in Albuquerque. I’m only worried about where it’s going to be because when they build it they are going to seed it with current employees from the Nebraska and Michigan facilities. I figure I will apply if I can get the job. I doubt if all that many people around here in my department will try for it since most people have a lot of baggage like wives and children and houses to sell and they don’t want to move. Me? I have an old dog and some family that I don’t see all that much anyway. Anyway other than the fact that everyone is a Mormon down there it doesn’t look that bad. It’s right on the border of where the mountains end and the high desert starts and I have been wanting to live near some mountains for a long time. Ed got a good laugh out of me because I didn’t know which ones the Mormons were. Were they the ones who drive around in buggies and have long beards and have barn raisings? Nope that’s the Amish. The Mormons are the ones who think Jesus came to America and buried a golden book that Brigham Young dug up and translated into the book of Mormon. OK Sounds good to me! Anyway when and if they ever get around to building there in Provo I think I will apply for the job and go live there for a few years. Just for a change of scenery. It’s only a 12 and a half hour drive back to Nebraska whenever I want to visit, not all that far.

3 thoughts on “It’s cold.”

  1. Utah huh? Well, when you were just about a year old, your dad and I were talking about maybe moving out of state, and we spun the globe to see where we would go, and landed a finger on Utah. Well, we never did move to Utah. We would come and visit you though if you moved there. It’s definately closer than South Carolina.

  2. Well who knows if it will happen anytime soon. They have to build something there first and with the economy the way it is now it won’t be for a while. I would like to live someplace else for a while though but I need a good job first. I guess I could get a job at the Michigan facility but I don’t really want to go there. I’m fine where I’m at for now.

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