It’s Saturday.

Well it’s Saturday. Whoop de doo. I didn’t get up until about 1 in the afternoon because I couldn’t sleep last night. I went over and helped Katie (Kasey’s girlfriend) move into her new house today. Luckily I missed most of it because I didn’t know that she was moving today and took my sweet time getting over there. Brand new house. How the hell can she get a brand new 3 bedroom house? Just a couple years ago she was on welfare and working as a waitress. Good for her I suppose. I am just jealous I think because of the way my life has stagnated. Hell I had a house almost 5 years ago. Still do in fact. It’s only 7 months behind in payments. I wonder if they are going to foreclose soon. Hope so.

Well I joined the Y today. I didn’t work out though, I didn’t have any clothes with me. But at least I got a membership finally. I just need someone to go with me now. I should have went when I had this guy at work bugging me to go with him but I kept putting it off. I also stopped and got a library card since they have a branch right there next to the Y. Why I never went and got one before I don’t know. They have all the same books that I go and buy at Barnes and Noble and read once and then they gather dust. I picked up 4 of them while I was there. A couple of Tom Clancy claptraps that I like to read, a Motley Fool personal finance book, and a book called Bury Me Standing about the gypsies in Europe that was mentioned in the Jan Kolodziej family history paper that I am sure that most of you in the family have seen. (that reminds me I still have that sitting here. I was supposed to reduce the file size of the PDF file down from 150 megs down to something manageable)

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