It’s Saturday.

Well it’s Saturday, the first day off I’ve had in a couple weeks. It was going to be another 20 days or so before I got a day off again but Kris (the line manager) made me take my name off the calendar for a couple of days so now I only have 60 hours of overtime this month instead of 84. 40 hours of it this upcoming weekend which is gonna suck. To tell you the truth I wasn’t that heartbroken about it, I wasn’t looking forward to it at all and plus I don’t really need the money, I was just being greedy I guess cause I’m so tired of having no cash after the last couple of months of paying off debt.

I got off work a little early and went to ribfest downtown last night and saw Jason Boland & The Stragglers. They were pretty good I suppose although I’m not that big into country. Jason was real big on them though, his band even does some covers of their songs. Anyway, Jason and Aimee, Rob and Brenda and her little sister was there. I rode along with Kasey down there. Also saw some other people that I sort of know. Smurf I think they call him and his girl who’s name I can never remember but I see all the time.

Met a girl while I was there named Becky. I must have made an ok impression because I got her number (and it was real and not the moviephone number or something). Had her friends rooting for me, most likely because I was making them laugh. They even carded me which I got a kick out of. No one ever guesses my age even close and they didn’t believe me. They thought I was about 21 or 22. That’s not the first time that has happened. Anyway she works at Infotech (just started there a week ago), graduated from Weslyan and is originally from Grand Island plus some other stuff yada yada etc. Called her number earlier tonight and got the machine. I think the rule is supposed to be two days or something but eh, whata ya gonna do? Since I am pretty much going to be working for the next couple weeks straight I thought I would ask if she wanted to come out to the lake tomorrow since that’s already set in stone and I wont have any time off to do anything for the next couple weeks. We’ll see how that goes I guess. I am going to get myself back out there no matter what though. I let too many people that weren’t right for me at all get me discouraged from the whole dating scene, so I suppose I will just wade my way through a bunch more until I come across one that I like.

Tomorrow jet skiing at Branched Oak. Hopefully the weather won’t ruin the afternoon. Stupid weather forcasters can’t forcast anything. I even got Jordan to come out which is a miracle in itself. He is so straight laced it drives you crazy sometimes but for some reason I still like the guy. Me, Jordan, Jason, possibly Ben, possibly Alan with his ski boat and who else I don’t know. Could be a lot of people or could be a big bust. It’ll be fun no matter what I suppose. Going to grill some steaks here at the house afterwards.

Other than that I suppose I don’t have much to report. I was going to use today to get the rest of my crap unpacked and put away but I really didn’t make that much progress on it. Hung over till early afternoon, and then I just felt like lounging instead of doing more work. Kasey is gone for the weekend at some softball tournament so I’m here my myself. I’ve barely seen him since I’ve moved back in here which is nice because he has nice crap heh. George Carlin is going to be at the Lied Center next month so I’m going to see about getting some tickets to that.  It looks like that is happening right at the beginning of when I’m planning to take vacation.  That’s all for today I suppose.

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