It’s that time of year.

Well, it’s that time of year again. Another Christmas. I have to say that I really don’t enjoy it at all, and it kind of makes me miserable. I just got back from Columbus from doing the big family thing. It was okay I suppose, but I just can’t really get into it. I guess it’s just kind of a reminder that I’m miserable and alone and to me Christmas is a time for spending with someone you care about. Don’t get me wrong, I care about my family but that’s not really what I’m talking about. My immediate family has never been the holly jolly, Christmas carol singing type of family anyway. It just doesn’t seem to be in our personalities for the most part. Oh well.

I finished up school yesterday, thank God. I got an A+ in the computer class, a B in the algebra class, and hopefully a passing grade in the history class. It’s not like I did bad in the class for the most part, it’s just that I started to not give a shit and neglected to do some crap but I found out later was pretty important according to the syllabus. Oh well, maybe the guy will have mercy on me and forget about that part or else I fail the class according to the fine print. Some teachers are nice and do that sometimes. If not the federal government will be harassing me soon about paying some of their money back. Shit.

I’m not going to do the Concordia University thing now. I’m just burnt out on school right now and I need a break. I need the money that I have now to buy a new vehicle anyway since the S-10 is really crapping out on me. I’m pretty much going to take a break from the computer completely for a while so my hands stop hurting.

Jason sent me a few more pictures from the big 12 championship game They’re in the pictures section at the bottom. The four that he sent me turned out pretty good.

Anyone heard of Geocaching? I’m thinking of giving it a try. It looks like it might be some fun. Basically what it is is people hide crap in various sized containers ranging in size from a film canister all the way up to a 5 gallon bucket and then post GPS coordinates for it on the Internet and you go and try to find it. Some of them are easy to find, and some of them are hard to get to and need things like repelling gear or scuba gear in order to reach them. You may need to solve puzzles to find them or whatever. It can be as hard as they want to make it. In all of them there is a logbook to sign to say you were there and in the bigger ones people leave little knicknacks in them and you take what you like out of it and put in something interesting in for someone else to find. I heard about it a few years ago but I didn’t realize that it was so popular. There are 690 of them in the 50 mile radius around my house and over 340,000 of them hidden worldwide. There’s also custom coins and dogtags that you can attach to things that you can track on the internet to see where they are in the world after people find them and move them someplace else. I’ve never done it yet but I have an idea for one already. Attach a trackable dogtag to a herbie husker keychain and give it the mission of visiting all the stadiums in the Big 12 and ask for pictures. The neat thing is people actually do something like that and take pictures for you as it slowly makes it’s way across the country. The whole thing just seems like fun, like looking for treasure when you were a kid. I need to pick up a GPS unit sometime in order to do it but I looked and I can get a decent one for like $80 bucks. After that it really doesn’t cost anything to do do it and it’s a good reason to go out in the woods or wherever and enjoy the scenery.

1 thought on “It’s that time of year.”

  1. That really sounds like fun! You should try it and let me know some of the things you discover. Saturday I really didn’t get a chance to talk to you much at the Christmas gathering, sorry you didn’t enjoy that much. I’m glad that you came anyway! Love ya! Mom

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