I’ve got vacationitis…

…too bad it’s not for a couple weeks and I picked up 20 hours of overtime this week so there’s a lot of work to do and no motivation to do it. Man it gets cold as hell overnight and my new cold weather gear got doused in jet fuel yesterday morning. I like my old gear better anyway and now the new stuff is stinking up the apartment. Saw Bo Pelini coming and going today as he went to California to recruit. Long day 18 hour day for him. Seeing the coaches is getting old, I wish someone famous to the rest of the world would come through here. Some kid shot a bunch of people in Omaha in the mall. Lame. I really don’t have much else today, pretty random post today.

3 thoughts on “I’ve got vacationitis…”

  1. This cold weather sucks my ass! Thanks for picking up my OT though. We had a celeb come in this weekend. It was Chuck Norris and he asked about you. Said he had a round house kick to the chest for you. Despite the fact that he’s unstoppable, I’d still beware.

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