I’ve plateaued.

I think I might have reached a plateau in my weight loss. I’ve made it about 7-8 pounds away from my goal of 180 with very steady progress the whole time but over the last couple weeks I’ve flatlined and have made no real progress. I guess I’ve lost all the easy weight I can by just eating less calories but not really actually eating better or exercising all that much to go along with it. Not a big deal really, I’ve lost 20 pounds and that is still pretty good and I can see the difference in the mirror and can notice the difference in how I feel. Now what I need to do is get back on the exercise wagon after not really doing all that much since May. I’ve decided to run the Omaha half marathon in September which gives me around 11 weeks to train which is shorter than what I would like but it’s doable. Jessica advises me against it with the baby coming but my opinion is that this kid is going to be around and complicating things for quite some time so it really isn’t an excuse now any more than it will be 6 months or a year from now. Being fit and running and exercising is a lifestyle choice that I want to live for myself and to be a good example for him later on. If I don’t get back to it I will sit on my ass all winter and not do anything. Races help keep me motivated. In the meantime I’m going to sign up for some shorter races just because it’s fun. Anyone want to do the Thunder Run with me? It’s $15 bucks and they usually give a decent technical shirt. Not bad as races go, and they usually have some planes out there that you can go tour if you’re into that sort of thing. Come on out even if you’re slow, no one really cares how fast you go.

We’ve made good progress on the baby’s room. I finally got in gear and moved all the heavy furniture into their almost final resting places which gave Jessica a bit of inspiration on the decoration. She already had the curtains all made up out of some colorful bedsheets and they turned out really nice. She’s got some other stuff that she bought that she is going to put up. We aren’t going as crazy on it as a lot of other people have done, not that she wouldn’t if given half the chance but I’m kind of a doorstop on a lot of things. Yea I’m going to be THAT dad. The one who doesn’t want to pay $20 for 4 small square pieces of fabric for wiping up baby barf when any similar sized piece of cloth would work equally as well. I’m already irritated by the stupid rampant consumerism that I’m seeing where they try to make you think you are a bad parent if you don’t rush right out and buy something that you don’t need in the first place and pay 4 times what it’s worth for the privilege. In my opinion a good parent isn’t measured by what you buy, but instead by what you do, what you teach, and the example that you set. I’m trying to keep that instinct in check though and not be a complete downer when it comes to baby stuff because I don’t want to ruin the experience for Jessica. I think moderation and compromise is the key to in this case just as it is an almost all aspects of a relationship. As a side note I already bought a couple Husker outfits for X to rock when he is watching the games with me. And by watching with me I probably mean sleeping or feeding with mom. That’s all I’ve got for now, still so much to do…

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