I’ve started beard season early.

I just couldn’t wait. I’m documenting the process with a daily picture in the photos section titled “Daily Beard”. I have a feeling that it is going to get so out of control that I won’t make it until my stated finish date of April 1st. That’s a long time to be growing a beard. I’m on day 5 now. We’ll see how it goes.

I got a new neighbor in the apartment that is next to mine. I’m annoyed by them. The other old lady that was there before moved to another apartment in the next building because some pipes were messed up somehow and they had to tear the place up with jackhammers to fix it. I’ve never seen them but they just got home from the bars and are thumping music and burning food in the stove. The smell is coming through the vents somehow. I thought there was some kind of mildewy smell coming from somewhere that I noticed during the pipe fixing, jack hammering time but I couldn’t figure out what it was. Obviously the apartments are connected someway that lets the airflow and smells get through. The music thumping isn’t that big of a deal I guess. I’m up anyway right now and only notice it if everything I have is turned off and I’m trying to read or do something in silence. Most nights I’m not even here to hear it. I will only get pissed if there is base thumping from 8am-4pm and so far there hasn’t been any problem there.

I bought a fancy cord for the guitar that goes right from the guitar to the computer’s usb port. I thought I would knock the dust off that thing and practice again since the Macbook comes with a program called Garage Band where you can record music. It comes with lots of pedals and effects to mess around with to make your guitar sound different without having to plug it into an amp or anything. It took me a little while before I got it working right but it’s all good now. Pretty neat little program. Too bad I completely suck at guitar and the only thing I can do that remotely sounds cool is the first couple notes of “Smoke on the Water”. I just need to practice.

It seriously needs to cool off outside. I hate having to go run in the morning after I get off work because then it’s hard to get to sleep afterward. I did 4 miles of hills Friday morning and it sucked bad. Mostly because it was so humid but also because of the damn hills… oh and the running part too I guess. I still need to do 3-4 miles tonight before I go to sleep. I’ve gained 5 pounds back during the month of July that I didn’t do shit. That pretty much settles it. I need to keep this shit up for the rest of my life in order to avoid becoming a lardass. I liked it so much better when I could eat everything and do nothing and it didn’t matter. I’ve got a 5k to run next Saturday, then a 5 miler in early August, the Omaha Half Marathon in late August, and the Duncan Triathlon the week after that. After that I don’t know. There is another half marathon about 40 miles away (Bohemian Alps half marathon) the week after the Duncan triathlon that I could go run since I’ll be in good enough shape for it but it’s on the same day that I was planning to go down to Kansas and pit crew for my friend Dave’s 100 mile Ultramarathon. I guess I’ll decide that when it gets closer.

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