Jupiter’s Travels.

Thought I could make an update for all my devoted fans (my mom). Not that much going on really. I’m in the middle of the big overtime pickup which actually isn’t that bad since I still have pretty much the whole weekend like normal. All the OT I picked up is pretty much during the week, which makes it a really long miserable week. It’s all good though, I’ll have a kick ass paycheck next payday and I’m taking Friday off for a 3 day weekend in a couple weeks.

I finally bit the bullet and put about $4500 into my Scottrade account. Time to do something with that money instead of just having it just sit around doing nothing in the savings account. In fact I think I am just going to close the savings account all together and put the remaining $1000 I have in there into the brokerage account. The way I was planning on doing it was to put $1000 into checking for bills and day to day stuff and $1000 into savings for unforeseen emergencies and whenever I get paid and the total is over that the excess gets invested. I was thinking why have that money in savings at all? It isn’t doing anything for me there and I rarely have to dip into it. Why not use the $25000 or so worth of credit that I don’t use for anything, for emergencies and have my available cash working for me in investments? Isn’t that what the stupid credit cards are for in the first place?

I have a little cabin fever right now. I want to go out and have an adventure or something. Actually I feel like dropping everything and moving someplace I’ve never been before to see something new. That isn’t really going to happen since I am getting pretty old for starting over someplace else job wise again. I suppose I will wait until Duncan opens their new place in Albuquerque or Flagstaff or wherever they decide to open up at and go move down there for a while. Since I am in an adventure mood I watched the entire Long Way Round TV series on DVD. Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman go 20,000 miles around the world from England to New York on motorcycles in about 100 days. I’m reading the book that inspired them to take the trip now. It’s called Jupiter’s Travels by Ted Simon. On his trip he went 80,000 miles on a trip that took 4 years and covered the entire earth. I’m not that far into it yet but so far it’s pretty good.

I was also inspired to pick up a bunch of drawing supplies today. I used to be a really good artist a long time ago and I really enjoyed doing it but one day I just put the supplies down and that was that. I know for a long time I moved the art stuff from place to place with me and eventually more and more of it disappeared along the way until eventually it was all gone. I tried to draw something a while back and I was pissed because it looked terrible. I just lost the eye for it ya know? Anyway I was working the overnight with Hoop the other night and he showed me some sites of some artists that were really good. One of them had a similar story to me in that he liked it at one time, put it down and then came back to it after many years. He sucked ass at first too since he had to relearn everything again. He went from stuff like THIS, to stuff like THIS. That second one is ridiculously good. I suppose I just need to practice and my stuff can be good again too (although even when I was good my stuff never looked like that second one). I got a bunch of art books from the library that I am looking at so I can relearn all the techniques so we will see how that turns out.

What the hell is wrong with the justice system anyway? Kasey was at the hockey game with Shannon the other day and he gets a tap on his shoulder and sees Joanie my ex wife standing there. Why the fuck isn’t she in prison? Didn’t she get busted with 42 grams of meth like 10 months ago? Didn’t she already plead guilty? Anyway he said it like looking at the Faces of Meth website with her and her dirtbag husband. Kasey was like “Soooo, you stayin out of trouble?” and she was like “What do you mean?”, “Well I just heard you had a little trouble, about a year ago?” “How did you hear about that?, err uh I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Then her and her douchebag husband give each other a look. Jesus Christ you moron how do you think people find out about it? It’s public information that they report in the paper. I think I would have been happier if Kasey would have just not mentioned that he saw her. Now I’m worried that crackheads are going to break into the house to steal shit. Thats all I have to report for the time being. Power to the Puerto Ricans.

10 thoughts on “Jupiter’s Travels.”

  1. Your biggest fan checking in…that’s a good thing that if you have money to invest, you should do it. I was looking at that faces of meth website…two women there don’t even look like the same person. Anyway, I’m glad I have a rich son that will take care of me in my old age…love ya!

  2. Steve! I pleased to here that you went out and rounded up some new drawing supplies because as you know I’ve been looking for someone to be a visionary on an idea I’ve had for a while. I think we talked about it but I looking for some to create some art for people to see right when they enter my home. Ok, first off, it should be about 9 feet tall. Now picture me, mounted upon a monsterously healthy steed. (You can make it a Unicorn if you want but I’m not a big fan of them.) Got it, ok then I would have my arms out in this Jesus-on-the-cross type manner. I would of course have nothing on but a masculine loin cloth.(If there is such a thing) Now I definitly need some angel wings, but bigger. They should be completely extended out, as if I’m about to fly off the canvas and into the sky. Next, I would like some kind of fictional characters kneeling down all around my ginormous steed. You might want to use Gnomes. I like Gnomes. They won’t neccessarily be praising me, but as long as it appears that way it’ll work. In the sky I would like some flying elephants because I must fight in battle against something. Oh and give me some chest hair, I always wanted some of that. Well, think about it and let me know. I’m taking suggestions too.

  3. Sorry dude, I forgot the most important thing. In the picture make sure I’m wearing a Chigago Bears helmet. Ok thats it.

  4. Sounds like the cover art on a good sci-fi paperback! (except the part with the Chicago Bears helmet)

  5. Ok this works for me can i have one steve. But i want one with hoop NAKED….But i want it put on the side of my house.
    Thank you
    Chucklet love
    OHHH ya one more thing can you put a gag ball in his mouth

  6. Man Chuck, only you would want to take a beautiful, breathtaking picture like what hoop is describing and make it tacky… shame. Hoop you definitely need to be wearing your aviator sunglasses in the picture or I refuse to be a part of it. An artist must have standards after all.

  7. :*D :*) :-/ :-\ :-) :*D (you have to turn your head to the left…try not to cough, I don’t want to go there)

  8. Chuck, just ask. Yes, I’d love to stand naked next to your house. And Yes the Aviator shades will be covering the shame that fills my eyes.

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