Kickin ass!

Had another softball game today. We won 23-2. It’s about time I was on a team that wins some games. I’m usually on the team that scores the 2 points and we get beat by 20. I’ve never played 1st base before but I’m killin em’ there. Didn’t miss a catch all game except for the one that got thrown 20 feet to my right. That was just a bad throw though. It slipped as he released it so its all good. I didn’t strike out this time thank god, that was embarassing last week. I did pull a quad the first time running to the base so I was gimping all game. Every year closer to 30 I get the more and more I get hurt trying to do the things I did when I was 16. I need to get back to the gym so I’m not a total invalid by the time I’m 40. Boy, I can’t believe anyone reads this crap. I guess it is about the only way to find out what is going on with me, it’s not like I call people to chat or send out emails with my life story. Everyone feel free to register and post news of whats going on with them or about things that are interesting or post comments on the stuff that other people posted if you want. If you do register and want to post something you’ll have to wait until I log on and enable posting for your username. Everyone who is currently registered can post in the main area already.

2 thoughts on “Kickin ass!”

  1. POST…POST…POST! Yup, I’ve been reading it…and it is the only way I know what’s going on with you lol. Bye.

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