Kickin’ it with Dirty D.

Another night at work. Tonight I get to work with Darrell, the original Dirty D himself here on the overnight which will be an interesting experience I’m sure. He’s already perplexed by my computer and doesn’t understand how I can get cable tv on it when there is no cable wire hooked up. He also assures me that I told him last night that I get HBO and Cinemax on here. I’m pretty sure I didn’t say that but it’s frustrating to try to explain the intricacies of how it all works to someone who thinks that you can get wireless internet by buying a more powerful keyboard. Gotta love Darrell though. He’s one of a kind that’s for sure.

Well I am trying to keep this thing updated with more posts. I’m shooting for something new every day so we will see how long I can keep that up without being realllly boring.

I got my 2 year evaluation the other day here at work. I think that it’s the best one that I’ve gotten while working here. I’m told I need to work on my interpersonal skills which translated means I need to work on not losing my temper and telling people to go fuck themselves. It’s not like I don’t have the ability to stop myself from doing stuff like that. I think that I have a very good ability to not get into something I cannot win or something that will hurt me too much with the wrong people. When I am not in those types of situations I simply choose not to bite my tongue for the simple reason that it makes me feel better. I don’t let people walk all over me anymore like I did when I was younger. Dave wrote my eval this time and he thinks I have potential for team leader etc etc yada yada yada. He and Kris want me to do the book club stuff that they have here at work which I don’t want to do at all. Those things are unbearable. Kris already gave me the QBQ book (Questions behind the questions). If I’m going to have to read a book about that crap then that is a pretty good one to look at I suppose. The stuff in in makes sense for the most part not to mention the fact that there’s about one paragraph on each page in large print. The whole thing took me probably less than an hour to read for 115 pages. I just got it finished quick because I don’t want Kris asking me about it every time she sees me. Better to just get it done so maybe she gives it to Justin next month when he gets his eval (sorry Hoop).

I need to go out to the bars again and hit on some women. There has to be someplace other than the bars where the women are at because I still don’t have much desire to hang out drinking. I went to 1st Avenue after work last night and had a couple drinks with Brenda. Thought that the Kramers would be there like they usually are but when I asked the bartender she said they went to a hockey game and they would be back later. There were plenty of good looking girls in there. The thing to do for the younger crowd must be to go to the neighborhood shitty dump bars which used to be strictly the domain of 60ish alcoholics and 40ish methamphetamine addicts with questionable dentistry and even more questionable parentage. I guess the drinks are cheaper than downtown.

5 thoughts on “Kickin’ it with Dirty D.”

  1. Hey, sounds like you have a great future with Duncan! Wow! Team Leader, huh? Well, have fun with that…probably comes with a nice raise. Anyway, I’m off for a week of vacation. Not much planned except house cleaning. Later.

  2. Umm yea great future. I have “potential” to “someday” be ” a potential team leader someday”. It’s still two years before I would even be eligible to apply even if there was an opening. Even then the I would only get the job at another location like Battle Creek or wherever they are going to open up the next place so I wouldn’t get too excited about it.

  3. I think you could be a team leader now. Just work on that attacking temper and sneaky abrasiveness. Don’t worry about the book thing, I can’t even read. I own this gypsy named Sansabara that reads and types anything I want. Questions behind the questions? I don’t get it. I guess my Sansabara will have to read it to me.

  4. I’ll explain the Questions Behind the Questions book for you. They say “Hey, read this book.” You say “Uhh, what is it?” They say “Just read it.” You say “What the fuck for?” They say “Just do what you’re told.” You say “What is it with this place and their stupid goddamn books?”

    Basically the question behind the question are the questions you ask about why you have to read it after you are told to read it.

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