Korgie Christmas, a week old race, class is done!

Had the Korgie Christmas yesterday in Columbus at El Tapito. It was ok I guess. It’s definitely not like it used to be which kind of sucks but times change I guess. I didn’t bring anything for the gift exchange and just let everyone else do their thing. I really had no need for more stuff to take home. No need for an iced tea maker or clock or whatever.

I had a race a week ago that I never wrote anything about at all. I guess there was not really any rush since no one really cares about it but I gotta write about it since it’s one of the few things that I “do”. Joe came up from Gretna to run the race with me since I had gone to the Omaha area a few times for races that he wanted to run. The race was on the cross country course at Pioneer’s Park which I had never tried running before. It was sooo freakin’ cold outside. I made the mistake of wearing too much clothing so once the race started my body quickly overheated except for the superchilled air hitting my lungs. It ended up being my worst 5k yet time wise since I petered out really quick. Oh well. Joe ended up beating me by a minute and a half. I guess my friend Ronnie ran the race as well in his typical running gear which is 70’s style with the short shorts, head and wristbands and tight shirt. It’s a funny look, and he does it to get laughs. He had a great time and finished 39th overall. Way better than me, I came in 126th place. I just don’t seem to have any fast twitch muscle fibers at all, hence no speed. I’ll just plod along with some marathons I guess. Training for that is going well, one week down 15 to go, still gotta go into work tonight and run my 6 miles for today. Yay! Here is a link to the results, and here is a link to all the data that came out of the fancy watch.


I just finished my second Peru St. class tonight (a week early). It sucked and I’m glad it’s over. I should end up with a 96% or 97% or so depending on how she grades the last stuff. No matter what it’s an A so I’m right on track for that Summa Cum Laude graduation in only 3 years. The 7 year bachelors degree track sucks. Bring on Earth Science and Statistics next semester!

I’m taking tomorrow afternoon off. I’ve got like 5 or 6 days that I need to burn or I lose it in March so instead of just taking a week off I took a bunch of random days here and there over the Winter. If I took the whole week at one time without somewhere to go I would get bored and spend my time wishing I was back at work. I learned that last year. That’s all I’ve got for today, happy holidays and stuff!

My dad always does this to my dog to get him all worked up and then never takes him anywhere.

2 thoughts on “Korgie Christmas, a week old race, class is done!”

  1. Hi, I did manage to get that weekend at the end of March off, and the whole week after, so will probably be going down to Kansas to watch your race and visit for a day or 2. Later…

  2. Sounds good! I plan on arriving the day before so I can get settled in and ready and get a good nights sleep. The race starts at 7AM Saturday the 28th. I can’t give an estimate of how long it will take me yet, I can gauge that better once I get further into training. I would be happy with under 5 hours though. Actually just finishing is probably a better goal for the first one.

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