
I was going to write a post about how pleased I am with the new vacuum I just bought and how much embedded dog hair and dirt it got that the old one left but then I realized that I’m vacuuming on a Saturday night and that’s just lame.

Barack won Nebraska. Good. Fuck Hillary. I’ve decided that I won’t vote for her even if she wins the primary. I’m not voting for McCain either. Who will it be then? Maybe I’ll piss my vote away on Ron Paul or something.

I’m probably not going to Hawaii in April for Kasey’s wedding. Shit. I guess I’ll get some laser eye surgery with the money instead.

3 thoughts on “Lame.”

  1. Wow…giving up a trip to Hawaii for laser eye surgery huh? Your dad had that done and instead of the coke-bottle lenses, he only needs reading glasses. I didn’t think your eyes were that bad…but if it helps you to not need glasses, go for it. Too bad about Hawaii though. And as for your vote…you could always WRITE IN Brian’s name.

  2. Well I’m not giving up the trip to Hawaii it kind of gave up on me, the arrangements for the other people who are going are for couples which of course I am not a part of. We were working on arrangements for me and another single guy but now he’s not going because he’s kinda got a divorce and custody thing going on right now. Just going myself would be extremely expensive since I wouldn’t be splitting any costs with anyone not to mention the fact that I would be the fifth wheel on everything.

    My eyes aren’t all that bad but they are bad enough that I can’t see or read anything when it’s farther than 3 feet away from my face. Plus I’m sick of wearing glasses and I want to be able to wear normal sunglasses in the summer.

    I’m not wasting my vote by writing in the dog’s name, better to waste it on a candidate that I agree with on most of the issues. I’m hoping it’s Obama even though I don’t agree with a lot of the Democrats stands on social issues. I just think he would make a better leader for our country and I’m willing to overlook a lot of his stands in order to have a better overall country. A country that is the envy of the world again instead of the country everyone wants to kill.

  3. Ummm yeah, that was just a joke about writing in Brian’s name…I didn’t think you’d take it serious.

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