All moved (mostly) AND Las Vegas part 2.

Well after many many months of aborted starts we are finally moved into the new place for the most part. It took the movers about 4 hours total to get all of our stuff from the old place to the new place and cost us a little over $600 bucks not including the good tip I gave them. I don’t know how those guys do that for a job. I can’t move more than a few things anymore before I am completely spent and they a just haul ass and knock it all out. I guess it helps being young. 10 or 15 years ago, I could do hard work like that for as long as you needed it and it didn’t bother me a bit. Now I get winded in a couple minutes. Maybe I need to get back into shape… Anyway we still have to get a few odds and ends from the old house and then we get to spend the next couple months unpacking and finding everything again.

On to part 2 of the Vegas trip. After picking up our car we headed for our respective hotels. Ed and Shellie were staying at the new Arya hotel in the new city center area on the strip and Jessica and I were staying at the Flamingo. We dropped them off and headed for our hotel. In retrospect I think I should have chosen a nicer hotel but since I had never been to Vegas I had no idea what was what and just went with one of the better package deals. The Flamingo kind of goes a little bit overboard with the pink theme and the hotel seems a little more ghetto than some of the others. Anyway, we found a spot to park and found our way to the check in area easy enough. There were a couple of prostitutes in the standard prostitute uniforms of mini skirts that are so short you can see their cervix and hooker boots ahead of us. I wanted to take a picture (for documentation purposes of course) but didn’t have my camera handy. After waiting in line for a while we got to the counter to check in. She clicked around a bit and mumbled something about upgrade but didn’t really say anything else. I thought that maybe they were a little empty or something and they were giving us a little better room. Didn’t think much of it and we were off.

Being inexperienced in the nuances of Las Vegas, before we could get to the elevators we were accosted by a couple of ladies trying to get us to buy show tickets or time shares or whatever. I listened for a little longer than I wanted before shutting them down and heading for the room. At the time I had no idea how thick these people are everywhere you go. You practically have to Heisman them right in the face with one hand while covering your wallet with the other hand to get anywhere if you are walking on foot. There are guys trying to sell their CD’s, people trying to sell you tickets to shows, people trying to get you into a time share meeting, freaks in strange outfits doing weird things for tips, and of course you can’t forget all the illegal immigrants trying to pass out the advertisements for prostitutes. That is quite a sight since there seems to be a law that the prostitute peddlers aren’t allowed to speak to you. What they end up doing is standing in a row 10 guys deep making a popping noise with the cards they are trying to give you to get your attention. Sometimes I just wanted to scream at them to get the hell away from me.

But, I digress. We headed up to our room. It was on the top floor with a view out over the Strip and Flamingo Avenue. Absolutely great view of the fountains at the Bellagio. It turns out that Jessica’s sister Staci called and had our room upgraded to one of the better rooms in the hotel without saying anything until afterward. It was a lot bigger than the standard room with a separate shower and tub and a flat screen TV built into the bathroom mirror. Not bad at all! Thanks again Staci!

We didn’t spend all that much time in the room before we headed out again. We had to go to the rental place and get a dress and tux lined up. Although we had the rental car we decided to just walk the mile or so there since it was pretty nice and to stretch our legs a bit. It went pretty smooth when we went there for the most part. I had Jessica go first and the first dress she tried on was just horrible. I was thinking, “Oh boy this is going to take a while to find something good.” The second one that she came out looked really great though, a night and day difference and she really looked good. I was glad for that because she was really upset in not being able to find a dress of any kind when she was in Lincoln. We decided to just go ahead and get that one since we both liked it. Since that decision was made it was my turn. I didn’t really know what to get. The lady tried to get me to get a tux with a bow tie but I knew that I didn’t like that. I just kind of pointed at something on display and grunted like a caveman that I kind of liked that one. I then told her that I had no idea what to get and to just make me look good. I think I cleaned up alright.

Having that all settled we went back to the area around our hotel and walked around a bit. We ended up in the Caesar’s Palace Shops area and after winding around lost, walking past businesses that we shouldn’t bother entering because of our tax bracket, we stopped into a Hard Rock Cafe to eat dinner. I don’t have much to say about the food there other than it was overpriced. We then headed back to the hotel and went to bed real early because we were both so exhausted. Good lord we act older than we are…

That concludes day one!

2 thoughts on “All moved (mostly) AND Las Vegas part 2.”

  1. Sounds like you had fun so far…and the outfits you guys picked out where perfect! How is Jessica feeling? Have you got a due date yet?

  2. No due date yet, she hasn’t been to the doctor because it’s still to early and doctors won’t make an appointment until it’s been a while. She has an appointment set up for around the end of the month.

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