Let’s catch up

Greetings All. It has been a while hasn’t it? Well, I thought I’d sneak a quick post in while Alexander naps, or rather I hope he naps. We’ve been trying to teach him to sleep unswaddled, and it is a chore to say the least. Who knew that hands and arms could cause so many problems, it is like they have their own independent minds and their main goal is to keep Alexander awake. He sleeps really well swaddled, but he breaks free a lot and the same problem happens.

X got his four month well check a few days ago. I asked the pediatrician about the whole swaddling thing. She said that the sooner we can break the habit, the sooner he’ll learn how to self sooth and I can definitely see the value in that. It looks like X is using this super soft flannel type blanket my cousins got him for Christmas as a kind of security blanket. He hugs it and rubs it against his face and it seems to calm him. Trading for another habit I suppose. Like my brother-in-law said, you stop one bad habit and teach them another…ha, ha, so true.

At X’s four month well check he weighed in at 17 pounds 10 ounces and is in the 75th percentile for weight and height. And he is still in the 95th percentile for his head size, ha. He also got his shots and he was a real trooper, plus I was prepared better. I can tell I’m getting more secure myself in handling Alexander because I didn’t drag Steve to go with us like I did the first round of shots, glad I did drag him that time however.

The only real snaffoo was I had to answer “no” on the questionaire about him rolling over. I mean he has rolled over, twice in the last two months…but I don’t think that warrants a “yes”. I’m not worried though, he’ll get it eventually. What he can do is bounce the hell out of his jumperoo. If he exhibits signs of shaken baby syndrome it is totally self inflicted via the jumperoo.

I’m also halfway through week five of training for the Lincoln Marathon and watching my calories on My Fitness Pal. I am proud of me in that regard because I haven’t given up, but that stupid scale still won’t budge. Steve is super supportive and that helps so much because I do get depressed because of the scale number. I’m a slow build with this training, which is working well for me. Yesterday I ran the overpass in Hickman to get my 1.75 mile I had to run. It felt good and I ran my fastest mile yet post pregnancy. After I get my distance in, I then walk/run for another half hour or so to keep my heart rate up and burn calories…or hope I’m burning the little bastards… I’m progressing since I started out running .25 mile five weeks ago and I could barely run it without walking.

My hate relationship with our scale has prompted Steve to purchase the holy grail of scales. I don’t fully understand how it works but it can read your weight, body mass index, bone density, water weight, muscle mass amongst other things, hell I think it can detect genetic abnormalities, ha. So, this could get real interesting. I figure the scale could be really positive or damning…we’ll see when it arrives.

January has been a great month overall. Steve and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary and we actually got to get away for one night while my mom watched the baby. My sister finally got to meet her nephew and her visit was entirely too short, but I loved every minute of it. Alexander got along famously with his Auntie Staci and I’m looking forward to when his Uncle and cousins can meet him as well this summer.

When Steve and I were in Omaha we went to visit some art galleries, and I got inspired by some very cute collages that were too expensive to buy. I thought, hmmm, maybe I could try to create something for Alexander’s room. So I got different mixed media things, but I needed a wide array of decorative paper. I had my mind set on wallpaper books, the kind you thumb through at Lowes. So I went to several stores looking for outdated wallpaper books that I could buy or recycle. No luck. Then I had an idea, made a phone call, and wound up with 10 huge wallpaper sales books, hundreds of pages of decorative paper…all for the whopping cost of FREE! I felt like I hit the lottery! I’m not going to give up my sources though, apparently there is a hot competition between the scrapbookers to get their hands on wallpaper books. So I’m going to get my creative on, and see what happens.

Well, that’s all for my catch up today. Not a real poetic post, more of just the facts mam. Take care all.

5 thoughts on “Let’s catch up”

  1. Nice Dragnet reference there LOL! Good for you getting back in shape again, and don’t worry about the weight, it will come off. Mine on the other hand, is going up…all the walking I’ve been doing isn’t doing much for losing weight. Oh well, at least I’m walking…I don’t run…ever. Anyway, all those Girl Scout cookies I ordered will help me take at least 10 pounds off right? OK, talk to you later…kiss the baby for me, love you guys!

  2. I didn’t get the mother of all scales just for her, I’ve been wanting one for a while myself because I want both of us to be healthy. I plan on having us both there to see our grandkids graduate from college!

  3. its ok to swaddle! he’ll grow to love it! i still swaddle vaughn at night and he loves it.. but during the day when he naps i just throw the blanket over him and he does his own thing. its not neccesarily a bad thing if u swaddle him.. ive been doing vaughn for over a year now every day straight, and he’s just fine if i don’t swaddle him. so either way it really does not make any difference. just to let u know! lol dont be toooo paranoid!! :) cheers!

  4. I’m glad to hear you say that Evie! I agree that it won’t hurt the baby at all to grow up liking being wrapped up in a blanket when sleeping…I feel so much better knowing that it’s ok to wrap myself up in the blankets at night…LOL…yeah I roll up in the blankets…so what? LOL

  5. Good for you. Hey when you get old you may end up walking that distance. I still do 2 – 5 miles– 5 days a week, so know it does pay off. Have a group that goes down to the auditorium every day M-F. I have to open up now as the older guy (90) who usually did it had to have some minor surgery, so I ended up with the key for a while.
    Cindy, just keep it up. When I started walking 30+ years ago, I couldn’t even walk a block without being winded.
    I wouldn’t worry about Alexander. He will adjust either way. Just love the little guys, that’s most important. Love ya

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