Limited web access.

I am going to be pretty limited on the web access until I get into my new place. Kasey cancelled the cable and internet on me yesterday. Right now I am sitting in the parking lot of an apartment building down the road from my house since I can’t get a signal at home. So don’t get upset if I don’t respond right away if you send me something. Later!

EDIT: Worked something out. I have access at home now. Slow and unreliable but it’s something I guess.

EDIT #2: Got it all working good now, routing all my internet needs (computer, TiVo, PS2) through the neighbor’s internet connection down the street. It’s not as fast as I’m used to, only about 10% of what I had with the hard connection through the cable modem but it’s still 10 times as fast as dial up and it’s free. It’ll be a lot faster in a week when I move into the apartment where there are tons of close, open connections. I’m out.

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