Long day.

It was a pretty long day today. Nothing much going on really. Quite a few military planes. Sometimes I think we should be called Lincoln Air Force Base. Marshalled in the plane for our current governor Dave Heineman and also the plane for our next governor Tom Osbourne. Must have been some sort of debate or something going on out west. I honestly don’t know why anyone is running against Dr. Tom. The guy doesn’t even have to campaign. All he has to do is announce that he’s running and then sit at home until election day and he will pull 85% of the vote. This is Nebraska after all. He is looking oooold. How old is he now anyway? (I just looked it up, he’s 69). He looks older than that. Well off to bed, I’m tired.

EDIT: Looks like I haven’t been paying attention.  He is in a dead heat in the primary with Heineman.  Here’s the link.

1 thought on “Long day.”

  1. there is no way tom O is going to be the next GOV
    what the fuck doe’s he know about anything but football

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