Long time, no write.

Well it’s been a while since I’ve written anything on here. You really didn’t miss anything. I went and stayed at my parents house Christmas eve after working a double shift and getting off at 6 am and left on Christmas day to drive back and go to work. I meant to go see my grandma in Platte Center on Christmas day but I got such a late start getting up because I couldn’t sleep the night before that I didn’t have time. I feel pretty bad about that. Not getting holidays off kind of sucks sometimes. Kasey seems to have an extra day off at least every month working for the guard. I had New Years Eve off but as usual I didn’t do anything. Too many people out and they jack the prices up too much. I just stayed home and watched a couple movies.

The house has been pretty empty lately, it’s like I have my own house most of the time since Kasey is never here anymore. He’s got a new girlfriend and he spends most of his time over there. It seems like it’s going pretty well for him and she seems like a pretty good girl so I hope that all goes well for him.

Work is the same old shit different day sort of thing. Dave was trying to get me to apply for the team leader opening in Battle Creek. I don’t know why. I guess the bosses from up there were fishing for some applicants from down here because all the people up there aren’t that great or something. No one in Lincoln wants it, or if they do they cant do it because they have a house and family here. There’s really no point for me even to apply at this point. I haven’t been working here long enough to get the job in the first place. Even if I was some kind of efficient super worker with managerial skills oozing out of my pores instead of a moody, always tired prick and I did get the job I don’t want to move to Battle Creek anyway.

I went out and bought that GPS unit to go geocaching. It’s pretty fun. Not fun like WHHHHHOOOOOOOO! YEAAAAA! fun, it’s more like relaxing fun. Went out today and found seven of them just for a lack of anything better to do. After I got back from the first four and showed Kasey my “swag” from the trip he wanted to go out and give it a try. Not because he was really interested, probably more so he could make fun of me and call it stupid. The reaction that most people give me when I tell them that I’m geocaching is, “uummmmm yeaaaaaaa. so whats the point?” Anyway we went out with 4 of them to find and ended up finding 3 after hiking for a couple miles and jumping a creek and some fences to get to them. Kasey seemed to enjoy himself and wants to go again. When he told his girl and Gabe what we were out doing when they called on the cell he got pretty much the same reaction that I get when I explain it. His girl was like uhhh whatever and changed the subject and of course Gabe was “what are ya out suckin dicks in the park?” Everyone hates Gabe. Just kidding.

No I’m not.

7 thoughts on “Long time, no write.”

  1. Hey, I still think it sounds like fun! Gives you something interesting to do instead of being bored.

  2. Whats up Steve. Long time me no talkie too. I see you haven’t written about the sweet ass country band you saw on saturday night. Anyway it was really good to see you. I don’t think I was really in good shape for conversation that night. In fact I’m pretty sure I’ll never drink whiskey again, but none the less it was good to see you and I hope you had a little fun. Take it easy homie…….jayballs out

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