Looks like it’s going to be a white Christmas…

…and not in a good way if you live in the Midwest and are trying to travel. I’m seeing predictions for rain/freezing rain followed by about a foot of snow. Not good at all for all the people trying to travel to be with their families. I’m pretty lucky on that part since we pretty much got all of our family stuff all done with already. I’m also lucky that I have a few days off starting from when I get off work on Wednesday morning until I have to go back in Friday night because I traded workweeks with Ed this week so he could go spend time with family next weekend. I’m pretty much dodging the bullet and missing the worst of it. I’m going to just bunker down at home with Jessica and wait for Christmas morning to open some presents. I already got my “WOW” present from Jess, I ruined it by getting the mail and it was in there. A years subscription to The Economist which costs a fortune because it’s a weekly magazine. I like it because I can get my learn on about things going on in the world without all the bullcrap that gets perpetrated as news nowadays. You know things like which slut Tiger Woods was screwing while high on Ambien, or anything about Jon or Kate or their eight. Dumbass stuff just makes me angry because it lowers the collective intelligence of everyone in America and keeps people from having enough good information to have an informed opinion on real issues. Anyway, hope everyone is smart about their travels and just stays home if it gets too bad. You can make your visits on another day, but only if you aren’t dead in a car accident.

No new water heater today even though the guy specifically said yesterday that that was the plan. I think the landlord put the kibosh on that idea and told him to fix it on the cheap so he put in a new part instead. I don’t know what he did, not really my problem, that’s what the landlord is for when stuff like that is broken. I could care less as long as the water gets hot and it all stays in the tank instead of all over the basement floor.

I’m seriously ready to take some vacation time because I’m feeling a little burned out. Can’t really do it though because I want to go someplace or do something and money is too tight for anything like that for a little while. I’ve got a little over a week that I have to use before the end of March that won’t roll over that I have to use up. Don’t know what I will do with that yet, take it a day at a time or maybe all at once? I’ll ponder it.

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