Lucky Bucket Run

I raced in the Lucky Bucket Run 7k on Saturday near South Bend. I use the term raced pretty loosely, more like I plodded along cursing while I slogged through streams and mud. I use the term 7k pretty loosely as well because it was actually 4 miles on the nose (that’s less than 7k for all you metric haters out there, 6.4k to be exact). It was a pretty fun race though, I did better than usual but I attribute it to the fact that it was a brewery race with a party afterward and the field was filled with drunkards who have never run a step in their life who were just there for the alcohol. People were encouraged to wear costumes and there were a lot of crazy ones out there. My favorite was the couple that dressed as female American Gladiators with the foam jousting sticks. The guy was the steroided out female gladiator with the outfit that was trying to be sexy. He pulled it off though because just like on the show, he looked like a dude with permed hair and breast implants. There were a lot of people there for such a short race. About 1500 people raced and a bunch more who were there for the after party. Since I don’t drink I gave my free beer tickets to a guy dressed as the cross country running Forrest Gump (complete with long beard) and went home to get warm. Here are my results and the GPS watch data is below.

Nothing much else is going on, I ended up getting A’s in both classes and am now off for the summer. I have 5 more classes to take at Peru State to finish my Bachelors degree and if I get A’s in all of them I will graduate Summa Cum Laude which is the highest you can get, If not it will be Magna Cum Laude. Either way… no one will really care.

I took Friday off work, partially because it’s my birthday, but mostly because Jessica and I have to take an all day baby making class on Saturday to get our learn on about how to cook the baby until it’s done. Fun fun. Then on Sunday I’ve got the Gambler Half Marathon which will hurt very badly, just like the one a couple weeks ago. Ooh, almost forgot, another ultrasound on Thursday, maybe we can get the 3D one again and actually see something that doesn’t look like a melted gummy bear like when we got it the first time early in the pregnancy. Hopefully we can see some good facial features and whatnot of little Xan. He’s been kicking and punching like crazy, you can see it from the outside now. Lastly, I got my birthday present form Jessica a little early, it’s a new Kindle ebook reader to replace the frustratingly crappy generic version that I got to try and save money. I should know better by now and just get the quality product that I want in the first place instead of being cheap, it always bites me in the ass and I end up getting what I originally wanted later anyway for double the total cost. That’s it for today!

5 thoughts on “Lucky Bucket Run”

  1. Congratulations on being the smartest person in our family! And by the way, won’t spelling the baby’s name with an X instead of a Z will confuse him when he gets older? (not to mention his grandma who is starting to be confused anyway lol) you sure are making it hard for me to come up with a cute nickname for him…
    Anyway…I’m glad you guys are taking a class Saturday…cooking the baby in mama’s oven is the easy part…the hard part comes once the bun comes out of the oven, you have to take care that it doesn’t get spoiled before it’s done (that’s grandma’s job lol). OK, have a happy birthday Friday…love you guys!

  2. Well mom you can call him anything you want, when he gets older he will probably answer to anything as long as you are holding candy or money. We will probably go with Xan (spoken as Zan) or of course Alex. We like the Zan with an X because it’s different and kind of fun, yet not so different that it will haunt him when he gets older and needs to find a job. Then he can just be Alex or whatever. The X won’t be confusing since Jessica plans on getting Your Baby Can Read, the kid will just know about words like Xerox and Xylophone a little sooner than most.

  3. Happy Birthday Steve!! Congratulations on your accomplishment. I know of Peru State College,, and all I remember is it is so beautiful there. My years of college were spent majoring in “party time”! Bless my parents for putting up with me during those times!! Hope your B-day is special.

  4. I hardly know what it looks like on the campus, I’ve only set foot there about 3 times to take some proctored exams. Peru has been going hard into online schooling and it pretty much saved the school. Before that they were in danger of closing because they weren’t getting enough enrollment, now they are doing fine though and are growing quickly.

  5. I like the fact you’re a smart guy (reflects well on the gene pool!) but you’re right the honors are basically for your self. All anyone else will think is this must be a smart guy that works hard and makes sure things are done right.

    I’ve looked at lots of resumes and while a degree and a great GPA may not be a guarantee of a getting a position it definately registered in my brain.

    I like your running and your fantastic son-o-grams and your well-spoken, good-humored wife too … but this is what I commented on anyway.

    Looking forward to seeing you in June! Mike

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