Lucky day.

Well I got lucky this morning.  Was supposed to have a quiz in the microbiology class and I woke up at 7:51 for my 8:00 class.  The alarm had been ringing for over an hour without me hearing it.  Tried to race across town to make it to get at least part of it taken but of course it’s morning rush hour and I hit every red light on the way there.  Got in the room at 8:16 which would leave me oh…  4 minutes to take the quiz since she cut’s quizzes off after 20 minutes.  But wait… no quiz today!  The school’s network was completely hosed and she couldn’t print them out.  Somebody up there likes me.  After class I went to her office to see what my current grade is.  65% in the lecture.  Jeez.  98% in the lab part of it though.  Too bad the lab is only 25% of the final grade.  Figure that all up and I currently have a…  73.25%.  By far the worst I have ever done in college.  I don’t care though.  As long as I come out of it with a 70% or better I will be thankful and never look back.

I had to get a new computer the other day.  My Toshiba’s screen took a dump on me.  Whatever the thing is in the screen that makes it light up burned out so there’s no display.  The new one is slower and I don’t like it.  Oh well I will have to live with it since I need a computer for doing homework and I don’t have the time right now to fix the other one.  Eventually I will and I will sell the old one once it’s working again.  It ran too hot anyway.  Lesson learned I guess.  Don’t leave it on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for a year and a half and it won’t burn out.

Went to the Husker baseball game against Texas Tech on Saturday with Jason and Kasey.  Pretty good game for the most part.  It went 11 innings and we won at the end coming back from behind.  After that we went out drinking and I drank way too much.  Kasey and I went to the strip club and it was great.  5 girls in the rotation, all of them were hot.  No burn victims like they have at The Foxy Lady on O st.  Spent Sunday with massive dirrehea and sick as a dog because of dehydration.  Drinking just isn’t as fun as it used to be.

Looks like I will be moving out of these apartments in the beginning of August to go be roommates with Kasey again.  The good things are cheaper rent, half the utilities, a garage, a yard, my own washer and dryer, and I can grill out again.  The bad thing is..  well having to have a roommate.  Wish I could afford someplace nice on my own.

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