
Crapola, I was asleep and now I woke up again. So anyway I went in to work tonight for a little overtime and my supervisor said that the manager wanted to see me right away. One good thing about working the shifts that I do is that she and I are hardly ever on the premises at the same time which is good for me because I hate getting called in there. “Oh that’s just wonderful”, I’m thinking, “What did I mess up now that I am going to get talked to about for a half hour?” I go up there and shes talking to someone else so she tells me to wait in her office. I’m sweating in there for like 10 minutes because I’ve still got all my winter gear on before she finally comes in to tell me…

I’m getting more money.

Say what now?

I guess HR did one of their multiyear pay evaluation things this year to compare what they are paying compared to other places around the country and long story short I hit the sweet spot of the new scale they created to put a little more gap in what they are paying brand new people who don’t know anything and people who have been there a few years. I’ll take a meeting like that with the boss any day that’s for sure. Especially since I just got my evaluation a couple months ago and got a raise then too. I wasn’t expecting any new ones until next September. The sucky thing that I also found out tonight that the big profit sharing bonus that we were all hoping for pretty much went down the crapper in the last couple months of the year. We will still get a bonus but it’ll be pretty mediocre. I guess any profit sharing is good though. I wouldn’t see it in cash anyway since I stick it all in my 401k to dodge the taxes.

Vacation hurry up and get here….

3 thoughts on “Meetings.”

  1. Hey, congratulations Steve! I wish I could have that kind of meeting with my boss. Anyway, now you can afford to get me a birthday present, or a Christmas present, or just give me lots and lots of money. (Just kidding…not really…no…really, just kidding). Seriously, good for you! See you Tuesday.

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