
I’m feeling pretty unmotivated right now. There’s tons of things I should and could be doing but I am accomplishing nothing. It’s probably a wintertime thing. Especially for me and the hours I work. Very little direct sunlight and all that. I recall having a hard time with it last year as well although I recall being much more irritable last year at this time. I’ll give credit for my better overall mood to the marathon training which is something I have been keeping up with (haven’t skipped one of those yet). Still have to go into work tonight and run 10 miles. Joy. I did feel pretty damn good after doing 9 last week but my legs were jello the day after. School starts again tomorrow. Bleh. The class looks good at least, physical science. I’m all businessed out already and am ready to work on a different subject. I slept too long today again. My biological clock is screwed up. I want to sleep from about 6am-2pmish but I am very restless don’t sleep well even with a sleeping pill. My body seems to be set to 11am-7pmish right now. Not conducive to getting things done especially when I have nothing pressing to get up for and stay sleeping until I feel like I’ve gotten enough rest. I hate Winter.

Here’s a bonus shot of Chad’s habitat with his new plants and coral. Did you know Siamese Fighting Fish have an organ that lets them breathe normal air in addition to getting their oxygen through their gills? I didn’t.


I held up a mirror to him as well and he didn’t do anything. Apparently Chad fears nothing, not even himself.

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