
Greetings all. Thought I’d take a few moments while Alexander is napping to share a few words. I’ve gotten the same question from many different people since Xander has arrived; How does it feel to be a mom? Which is a good question that I always have to pause and think about. The truth of the matter is, and I know this is probably shocking, but I feel the same. There hasn’t been an overhaul of character or an oozing of flowery compassion towards the world itself. I don’t know what I thought would happen, or what people in general think should happen when a child enters your life. The hard fact is, is a child has entered my life…that’s the change, that’s the adjustment. And even that hasn’t been real difficult to maneuver. I’m surprised by this. Sure I’ve been tired at times and I’ve had the hormonal ups and downs to be expected, but all in all my kid has been a relatively easy baby…but I don’t have much to compare to.

Xander is almost a month old now. That is crazy. We’ve been holed up in our house getting to know one another and the time is flying rapidly. He has grown so much. I googled when a newborn is no longer a newborn and the answer was 28 days old. So, my baby is no longer a newborn, but an infant and before too long he’ll be a teenager who hates us and we’ll have to wait it out till he’s in his twenties when he’ll realize we are kinda cool and hopefully like us again.

How does it feel to be a mom? At this point in time, the best mom related answer I can give is I love him. I want to keep him protected and I can tell it is going to be very hard to let him out of my sight. I’m on the same schedule as he is, too. It’s weird. When I am sleeping and begin to wake up I look over at him and he is beginning to wake as well, feeding time for sure. Steve is an awesome dad and he gives me time to catch up on my sleep, but it frustrates him a bit that I don’t stay in bed for long stretches…but it is because I know when I wake Xander is ready to eat. Usually when I come out to see what they are up to Steve has a bottle and Xan is snacking away.

That is a whole other topic, feeding the baby, especially the ode d’natural way. The girls have been transformed and lord knows once I’m done producing milk what the aftermath will be like. All I can say is this postpartum body is going to need a lot of shaping up, I’m looking forward to my six week checkup so I can get cleared to exercise again. It’s still pretty slow going as of now. I walk, but even going a mile is too much. I guess you heal from the outside in, so I suppose taking it easy is key to a speedy recovery. My biggest worry as of now is fitting into my work uniform, which I have to wear in a few weeks. I haven’t attempted to put it on because it is terrifying.

Oh my, the babe awakens… Well, duty calls..or dooty rather…

3 thoughts on “Mom?”

  1. So glad all is going well! I’m glad the baby is growing bigger…is he taking a regular bottle now? As for your body going back to the way it was last year at this time???…I hate to tell you this, but it may take a few years (mine never did go back to what it was before pregnancy left its marks lol). So, you go back to work in a couple weeks…part time I’m guessing? Have you found a good childcare? Anyway, I have to go…talk to you later, love ya!

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