Money, money, money, mo-ney… mo-NEY!

It’s hard to type that in a way that makes you think of it in your head like the song. It’s not like when you say “Good news everyone!” and you automatically say it in Professor Farnsworth’s voice in your head (if you’ve ever watched Futurama for more than an episode or two that is). The good news is after almost two years of frozen wages and pay cuts Duncan is going to give some of the pay cut back and is starting to take steps towards returning to normal. Granted it isn’t much, only 25% of the cut that you took, I took a 7% cut so it’s an overall 1.75% raise in pay for me, plus a few other things, some 401k and profit sharing stuff. Not huge money, but at least it’s something. I think the stagnation is definitely starting to take it’s toll around here. There is a definite downward trend in people’s attitudes and people seem like they are really starting to just have that “What does it matter what I do?”, and ” Who gives a shit.” kind of attitude which is bad thing in our industry. I think that the best people will start jumping ship as soon as the job market improves if things don’t improve significantly.

I had to call in on Wednesday night. I think I had something wrong with my inner ear because I wasn’t sick in the traditional way where you have a virus or something, I just couldn’t function. I had that feeling that you get after a night of hard drinking and all you want to do is go to sleep but you can’t because the room is spinning, you can’t focus on anything, are light headed, and you are nauseous. Wednesday morning was the worst. I was literally counting down the minutes until I could go home for the last three hours of my workday. I barely made it in the door at home and I was violently puking my guts out. It took forever to get all the broccoli from the soup I had out of my nose. I hate wasting a perfectly good day off being sick, especially on a day when I’m working inside and will be warm if I went to work. I would rather use that day extending my weekend by a day on a cold day when I would be working outside. Oh well everyone gets sick sometimes I guess. Usually it’s on a weekend and I’m better by Monday.

Well we have been squatting in the house for 19 days now, it looks like we won’t be moving until the week after Christmas now. Jessica got all worked up about the squatting thing and so I agreed and said ok fine we will pay some money if it makes her feel better. She just doesn’t have a mean vindictive bone in her body I guess. The landlord emailed Jessica a few weeks ago saying she had moved to Lincoln and whenever we were out we could arrange for the keys and Jess replied that we were staying in the house for a little while longer and would pay her for it if she still owned it. It’s been a few weeks and there has been no response. I’m in no hurry to pay her anything, she certainly wasn’t in any hurry to fix the toilet or pay the toilet people so they wouldn’t harass us about the money they were supposed to pay them. As far as I’m concerned… screw em. She can’t do a damn thing about it anyway except spend time and money to kick us out of a house she will soon no longer own. Sometimes it feels good to use your mean vindictive bones. Time to start packing our shit, I’m paying movers to move it all this time.

Here’s the sole photo that I took when we went out to photograph waterfowl… There were no waterfowl of course, just wind and cold. I think it turned out really cool, even though it was like pulling teeth to get her to take a picture.


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