My Finches.

Well I noticed that there was a small group of finches that have been hanging out in the bush in front of my apartment for a couple months now, most likely because it’s a sunny warm spot that’s out of the wind. I would say that there was under 10 of them tops. Anyway I decided to throw up a bird feeder so I could watch the birds. It took them a day to figure out that there was food in there but after that they blew through that one in less than 2 days. I bought 2 more feeders and now it looks like they can go through all 3 in less than a week. Their numbers have grown significantly since I put the food out thats for sure. I can’t get a good count of how many there are now because they are very skittish little fellas and fly away whenever I try to watch them through the window but it’s probably over 30 now. They do this coordinated feeder attack where they all hide in the safety of the bush and then swarm the nearest feeder with food in it 15 at a time fighting over a spot on a perch and the rest on the ground underneath picking up the stuff dropped on the ground. Then they all fly away simultaneously at the first sign of people. They aren’t bothered by the dog in the window at all for some reason though. He doesn’t seem to be interested in them either, which is strange to me because usually he’s interested in all small fast moving animals.

11 thoughts on “My Finches.”

  1. The finches are really neat to watch. We have scads of them eating at our feeder too. We also get some Blue Jays and a pair of Cardinals. They will go through a whole feeder full of seed in a day. Greedy little buggers!! Bet it entertains the dog though. GMW

  2. Yup, once you hit 30 you start to like those things that old people like! Your dad and I like watching our bird feeder too, and you know he likes watching the fish in the pond now too. We do have what we call “Fish Cam”. We set up a remote camera to watch the fish, and can turn to that on the tv anytime we want to. Anyway…talk to you later old guy (HA).

  3. Always good to know you’re still easily amused. Merry Christmas… Happy New Year… All that good yearly joyous stuff. I may stop back in Omaha, Lincoln, BFE, wherever the hell you live before I sign in at Mconnell. Either way, give me a call sometime or maybe…. try text messages? Or are you still too good for a cell phone? Anyways, I IM’d you the number so there ya go.

    BTW. I agree with your mom. You’re old and you should go directly to the store, buy a walker and pick up a pack of depends. In your case though, you make want to buy extra’s since you’re always full of crap.

  4. I don’t text message. It costs me 15 cents for me to get one, then another 15 cents to say quit texting me you a-hole, I’ve got 5000 free rolled over anytime minutes and you’re nickel and diming me to death, and then another $1.50 when the a-hole texts me another 10 times just to piss me off.

    I had your number from your text at Christmas but I wasn’t sure if it was you since you must have changed your number, at least the area code anyway. McConnell huh? That’s right down the road in Wichita, only 4 hours and 45 minutes away. Just far enough away for me to talk about making the trip down but never doing it. Just like the trips to St Louis to visit Walch!

  5. Hey a-hole, keep that up and I’ll start texting you for every holiday that I can find. Hell, I’ll even send you a damn valentine’s day text. I think you always had my home number, I’ve had the same cell number for five years almost. BTW, if you’re that hard pressed to visit people maybe I’ll come visit up there sometimes… But that means you have to get off your ass at times. Yes, I know the history channel is interesting but Tivo the damned thing sometime.

  6. After I posted that comment I went on the AT&T site and removed the all the texting and data garbage from my account so you can text me all you want, I wont get them. I absolutely hate texting. Phones are for talking. Anyway whenever I get a good vehicle I’ll come down there for visit. I just don’t go far now because my truck uses too much gas and it’s not reliable. It’s falling apart so it won’t be long until I get something else.

  7. Yeah, I hope my boys pay for in-home care for me when I get REALLY OLD instead of putting me in a nursing home. I just remember my grandma being in the nursing home here. I read some of her daily diary a while back. Basically every day was “Got up, got dressed, waited for breakfast, ate breakfast, went back to my room, waited for lunch, went to lunch, came back to my room, waited for supper, went to supper, went to my room, went to bed.” After reading day after day after day of that…that’s pretty depressing… Anyway, you know what her life was like, that’s why I visited her as much as I could, and got a job cooking there just so she would eat. OK, that’s all I’m going to say on that subject. Getting old sucks!

  8. Only the best 3rd rate nursing home for you mom! Seriously though I know what life is like in a nursing home too, I worked a lot closer to all those people for a long time. It’s pretty much like you described for everyone who lives there. Sit around and wait for death to come. Hopefully I won’t live that long. If you’re hoping for your boys to pay for yours you should make alternate plans as well, none of us have $4000 a month to pay for it.

  9. Well, I hope that I won’t have to be in a nursing home anyway. Maybe since you have all that experience you can come and live with me! (THAT’S depressing, isn’t it?) If I have to depend on the government to help me out, I’ll be dead for 4 years before I get my first check.

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