My review.

Well the new Macbook Pro finally came in last Thursday. I’m still trying to figure out how everything works since it’s pretty different from windows (it’s basically unix with a pretty face put on). I like the aluminum case and it’s a lot lighter than the old one. The screen is really bright and clear and the automatic dimming and brightening of the keyboard and screen is really slick. So far I have completely wiped the drive and reinstalled the operating system twice and will probably do it once more before I get it completely dialed in. Why did I have to do that? Well I have to get things exactly the way I want them which usually involves me mucking around where I shouldn’t be and I break stuff. Since I was completely unfamiliar with the operating system I ended up doing it more than usual. Oh well if you never break it you will never learn how to fix it right? Anyway I got the core group of programs that I use every day working natively except for Quicken. The Mac version of that is shit. I installed the Windows version of that using VMware Fusion to put XP into a virtual machine. VMware is the second visualization software that I tried. The first one was Parallels. That one sucked because it tried to join and spider everything from XP and OSX together and it just ended up being a mess. VMware gives you more of the option of keeping XP in it’s own little sandbox where you can start it up only when you want it. Anyway I’m pleased overall with the new system and I am going to give it a tentative thumbs up. There are still a few kinks that I need to work out which will come with some time working with it.

Other than that I don’t have much news. I’ve completely fallen off the wagon when it comes to my running and biking. I haven’t done wither in 3 weeks now. I suppose I will start up again tomorrow so I can run the half marathon in Omaha in 2 and a half months. Plus I am doing the team triathlon again this year which happens shortly after that. I am teaming with Ed this year which means we don’t really have much of a chance to win in the department title like we did last year since this year Dave is teaming with Lloyd who has a road bike. Basically we’ve got the weak links from last years teams on one team. I’m going to train and hopefully I can beat or at least come close to Dave’s running speed unlike last year where I hardly trained at all, we’ve got a better idea on which route works better in the canoe, and Jordan’s mom won’t be sabotaging us by stopping Ed on his bike to give him popsicles. It’s fine to sabotage him when he isn’t on my team. How do you think we won by 50 seconds last year? I’ll be happy if we end up being competitive.

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