
I’ve added a link on the sidebar that takes you to a site where you can look at all the numbers and stats from my runs (and bike trips too I guess, haven’t taken the bike out this year yet though). It’s under the link “My Training”. Why would anyone care? I don’t know. I guess people have a voyeuristic nature that makes them want to look at other people’s business. Why else would anyone read the blogs of people like me? Anyway there’s only 2 listed so far because I’ve only done 2 runs since I got the NASA watch but I will add more as I do more. It’s got lots of neat stuff like google maps of the route, heart rate, elevation, weather, etc. There it is if anyone cares to look.

2 thoughts on “Neat.”

  1. Don’t you think that it’s a little self indulgent to post a link to your heartbeat. This used to be a good site until you got so full of yourself. Would it kill you to give us a random Uncle Jesse update?

  2. OK. Last thing I heard about Jesse was that Crawford got him all worked up and pissed off with homosexual innuendo the other day. I also tell him “up yours Jesse” as I pass by him every Wednesday and Thursday morning when I have to stay will 7 and he comes in at 7.

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