Netflix is throttling me.

Well I’ve been subscribing to Netflix for a couple of months now and copying movies and sending them back as fast as I get them. I had a good schedule going, 6 a week. Appearently I have now raised red flags and they are now stalling on saying they have recieved them and sending the new ones back out again. Here’s an article about it. I have been wondering why it was starting to take a long time to get new ones and why I never got any of the new releases. I can see their point. At the rate I was going they were losing 77¢ a month. I would have gotten more but I couldn’t get a better return schedule than what I had going. Although I see their point I think that it’s bullshit that they advertise “unlimited” rentals and quick turn around and then they purposely stall when you take advantage of it. Oh well.

I just ordered a gig of memory for my laptop. I have been running this thing into the ground with all the crap I run on it. It’s still pretty much top of the line even though it’s over a year old now but I always was a computer dork trying to make it work “better”. That’s why I switched over to laptops from desktops. Can’t really crack the case and gut it with brand new parts from Best Buy on a whim like I used to do back in the day with a desktop computer. I opened the memory access panel for the first time to take a look and saw that I had only one 512 meg chip installed and one open slot instead of two 256 meg chips like I thought I had. This is great news since I can just run both for a total of 1536 megs of ram. Actually only 1408 will be available since the video part of the laptop will use 128 megs of it. The video is currently only using 64 megs but once I add the new chip I will change the settings to top that out. Now if they only made bigger laptop hard drives. They top out at 100 gigs so far and I have an 80 gig now so that isn’t really worth the upgrade. I’ll just keep using the external hard drive. I do need to completely open this thing up sometime to get the dust out that has been causing it to overheat from time to time.

It snowed today a little. It was pretty cold this morning but it wasn’t that busy at all so for the most part we were all inside in dispatch where it’s warm. A couple more months and winter is over. 16 hour day tomorrow. I am really coming to dread those. I hate even getting up in the morning for them. Only 3 more of those before I switch over to 2-10s so it’s all good. In 2 weeks I will have my first weekend off in about 7 months. Looking forward to it. What will I do? To be honest… Probably nothing, but it’s nice to have the option.

4 thoughts on “Netflix is throttling me.”

  1. lol I’m glad you didn’t complain about them throttling you..since you were just copying the movies – ILLEGALLY. hahaha. I used to use NetFlix when I was a loadmaster so I could have something to amuse myself on those 26-hour duty days. You can only sleep so much, and staring at the cargo compartment didn’t cut it for the rest of the trip.

  2. Yea, from a business standpoint it makes sense. By stalling on people like me that they lose money on they hope I will cancel, which I probably will do. Then they keep the people who only get a couple a month because they never watch them and forget to return them and make a killing.

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