New content! Well, not interesting content, but it’s new!

I don’t really have much but I haven’t posted much lately so I better get to gettin. I’m still not completely unpacked at the new place. I got to the point where I can find most things and can see the TV and then I just stopped because I’m just so sick of it (plus I’m lazy). I suppose I will try and finish this weekend. The dog is sick… again. I don’t know what the hell is the matter with him but he woke me up crying and yelping in pain today. He then spent the whole day laying in one spot. He occasionally moved to a new spot all hunched over and slow and looking very much in pain. This has happened once before and the next day he was fine so I’m hoping it’ll be that way again tomorrow. My guess is he ate something he wasn’t supposed to or he got a poop turned sideways or something. Hopefully it’ll all be good and I won’t have to take him to the vet because I’m really really low on free cash right now. I’m getting nickeled and dimed to death by everyone from every direction right now which sucks ass.

I went over and watched Kasey’s niece last Saturday for a few hours as a favor since Kasey got engaged and wanted to go out to dinner with his parents and brother and sister in law while they were in town to celebrate. Kasey’s mom Judy cracks me up sometimes. She was just over the top with all the information about where everything was like I was going to be there a week instead of just a couple hours. She was amazed that I knew how to hold a baby and can change a diaper. The kid and I were all cool and we watched the recording of the Nebraska game until she fell asleep and then I put her in bed. When they got back Judy was asking me stuff like “Were you scared?” Are you serious? Scared of what? It’s a 1 year old. Uhh well I was scared at first when she started crying and wouldn’t stop but then I gave her a good shake and everything was all good! Thanks for asking though! I think I’m the only one who can make a baby shaking joke and think it’s funny.

It’s getting cold outside. It makes work suck especially when I have to pull the planes out in the morning. I don’t know if you know this but dew and frost on an airplane makes it melt like the wicked witch of the west. You thought they were made of you know… metal but nope. Powdery sugar. Weird huh? Luckily the other guy that I work with every night doesn’t like working the desk so I might just work the desk all winter so I don’t have to deal with this pain in the ass crap. Plus being cold is no fun. I had more stuff that I wanted to write about today but now I can’t remember what it was.

2 thoughts on “New content! Well, not interesting content, but it’s new!”

  1. That’s what I come up with while sitting by myself in dispatch at 2am. It sounds better at the time I guess. I also choreograph fight scenes in my head with random people that I know or work with that annoy me. Ummm… yea…

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