New look.

Well as you can see I changed the theme of the site. There are still a few very minor bugs that I need to work out but I doubt anyone will notice them but me. This was a lot more work than I was barganing for that’s for sure. The whole process was incredibly frustrating to say the least. I had to totally start from scratch with the pictures area so any comments or descriptions that were there are gone. I got the newest version of wordpress and gallery installed and fought forever to make them cooperate, and farted around forever to get the new theme to look right. Also went around in the background deleting a bunch of clutter that has been building up on the server. Deleted Adam’s webpage too since he has never used it since I set it up. At least Pat and Mom use theirs. That’s all I have for now, I’m tired of sitting at the computer.

Theres some new pictures in the random pictures section. Just some camera phone crap that I’ve taken in the past week.

05-23-06_2112.jpg 05-24-06_1201.jpg 05-25-06_2042.jpg

5 thoughts on “New look.”

  1. Hey steve take the video off you site…..
    i don’t even know how you got it to start with but can you take it off your site i now some people are kind of pissed off it’s on there

  2. hoop told me about it and hes fucking pissed it on there and he not joking around can you say PERMISSION
    WHAT THE FUCK???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  3. I got it because you gave it to me, along with a bunch of other pictures a while back because you wanted your picture posted on the site. Also I doubt Hoop is pissed about it at all but if he is he can tell me himself in person and I will take it down. It’s not like he didn’t know it got filmed.  You told him right after that story and played it back for him.  Talk to you later Chuck. I have to go visit my parents.

  4. forgot i gave it too you……..word
    nop no ones pissed off sorry broham see ya wendsday
    my mother inlaw got a house 65miles from my front door……..just a bit bitchy

  5. Yea I figured you forgot that you gave it to me and was freaking out thinking that I somehow hacked you and stole it. Why don’t you come out and say that? What’s the deal with saying Hoop is pissed? What’s he going to do, kick my ass because of a story about a dude with no pants and a coozy cup? Like he is going to pick that particular topic as the reason for the first fight he’s been in in his entire life. Comon man. I don’t get you sometimes. Sorry to hear about the mother in law, at least she isn’t right here in town.

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