New Years Eve.

Well it’s New Years Eve. I am not doing anything at all but that is nothing unusual for me. I haven’t gone out on new years in the last 3 years. I don’t really like the crowd and I don’t really feel like drinking. I bought a new digital camera with the christmas money I got because I was so mad that half of my Alamo Bowl pictures didn’t turn out. It was pretty cheap, only like $114, but it corrects all the problems I was having with my last one. It is the older model, just 3.1 megapixels instead of 4 or 5 but that is really more than I need because most of my stuff gets emailed or posted on the web. It’s easy to turn on, you can see the screen in the sun, and has optical zoom, easy to change the settings, and takes nice colorful pictures. All of those things didn’t work on my last one so I am very happy with it. This is the last trip I go on with crappy pictures to remember it by.

My dog is being very bad lately. I got home today and he was in the bedroom howling and had torn my weatherproofing and window blinds to shreds in the bedroom window. He also chewed on the living room table leg and pissed in my room again. I don’t know what the problem is but I went down and got him a new kennel when I got the new blinds for the window. I feel really bad when I have to put him in there when I work 16 hours but I can’t take this anymore. He is a really destructive bastard when he goes through these fazes and I am sick of fixing this stuff 3 times a week. A couple weeks of being in the kennel whenever I’m not home usually cures this kind of behavior in the past but I think that I am just going to keep doing it from now on and get him used to it. You aren’t supposed to let Jack Russells roam free around the house unsupervised anyway becasue they get themselves in trouble. It’s just part of the breed.

I am quitting smoking tomorrow. Picked up some patches to help me out with that. I was quit before for like 5 months earlier in the year and wish I would have never started again. Wish me luck with that.

2 thoughts on “New Years Eve.”

  1. Good luck with that…your Dad is going to try to quit again too…good luck to him too. I’m going to start doing some stretching exercises, like maybe beginning yoga or something…we’ll see LOL. Let’s see how long those new years resolutions last huh? Hopefully longer than a week! Love ya, Mom

  2. I am jealous of you getting to go to the game….My aunt and cousins were there also….Best of luck on the smoking thing…it’s been 16 weeks for me…It really sucks to quit but it sucks more to be a slave to cigs!!!!I feel tons better….

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