No baby yet…

No baby yet. Mama is on bed rest because of some high blood pressure and other stuff that might be signs of pre-eclampsia which is basically when mom’s body shuts down and it is bad. They were talking about possibly inducing last Friday if things didn’t look good but they improved some so we are back in waiting mode. Jessica is working from home which is nice since we need the money. The house is a mess and things aren’t really ready the way we would like them to be but they are ready enough for a baby to come I guess. I’ve got a lot to do but I’ve been really dragging ass lately and I’m having trouble getting going on anything more than a nap. School started up this week and so far the class isn’t that bad. It’s Organizational Leadership this time and as boring as it sounds so far it’s ok. Not as dry as a lot of stuff I’ve had to do and so far it’s a lot of what would you do and what do you think. I’ll be glad when I graduate in May after being in school off and on now for what… yea it’s been a decade…

Got the stroller and baby swing all put together. Thanks Grandma and Grampa Fleming for the swing, I think it will work pretty well. I was shocked to learn that they no longer had a crank that you had to wind up to make it go, it’s all electric now. Everything is just too fancy for my tastes. The dog likes it though!

Did the Thunder Run 5k a week or so ago, I wanted to finish in the top 50% so I could finish “above average” for once but I missed that by about 15 seconds or so. I haven’t been training as well as I should so I didn’t do as well as I wanted. Oh well. My uncle Joe came down from Gretna and dominated by beating me by a couple minutes. Normally we are semi competitive with each other…

Name: Steve Korgie
Distance: 5K
Time: 29:11
Pace: 9:24
Overall Place: 213 of 411
Place in Gender: 139 of 194
Division M3034 Place: 13 of 20

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