Not much going on.

Well there isn’t much going on lately. I’m just working on my list of “stuff to do” that I need to get done. I could have worked some overtime this morning and tomorrow afternoon but I didn’t. I’m glad I didn’t too because it snowed today. I have to work 7 days in a row anyway because of the shift change. No use making it 9 in this weather. I don’t need the money that bad. I picked up a day last week anyway.
I have to go in and register for next quarter’s classes on Monday. Then I need to come up with $700 out of my pocket to pay for it. I’ll get the money back when the GI-Bill money starts but there’s a month lag time after classes start before I get that. After that starts going I will use the extra money to pay off the last of my credit cards. I have enough money to pay a good chunk of them now I suppose but then I have no emergency money which is a bad thing. I think that the only reason something major hasn’t happened lately is because I have enough cash to cover it. It’s 3 days after I don’t when something happens.

Link of the Day: 213 things Skippy is not allowed to do in the US Army.

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