Not much going on worth noting.

There isn’t much going on. I have a bunch of canker sores in my mouth again. I always get them when I quit smoking or try to quit smoking. I’m on day 9 with no cigarettes. I went off the patch at about day 4 and that’s when the sores started. I still want a damn cigarette all the time.

The dog war seems to be over. All of the sudden he is normal again like nothing happened. I’m still taking him in to get his nuts chopped off, just not right this second. I have some other bills that need to be taken care of.

Second day of class today. Oh my god I hate algebra so much. My head hurts whenever I look at it. They take something like “OK here’s -9-4=, whats the answer?” You would think uhh, duh.. it’s -13. Well yea but show your work. Umm what work??? It’s -13. Nope change it to addition first. What? What for? The answer is -13! Nope it’s -9-4=(-9)+(-4)=-|9|+|4|= Wait for it.. -13! What the hell do you have to do all that other stuff for?

On the plus side I moved seats and sat next to a pretty hot girl. There’s somewhat of a technique to doing that. Basically you sit wherever the first day of class and take note of where people are sitting then on the second day come in a little early and sit near where your target was sitting last time. Because of the herd mentalitity or whatever people pretty much sit in the same place the entire quarter. It doesn’t always work though. I didn’t even do any of this this today, I just came in and sat down and I was in a good spot the way it was. Need to get some sort of conversation starter or something. We talked just a little bit today but nothing much. I gotta not be a puss about it though. I find that I often do that because it doesn’t seem like the right moment so I dont say anything and then nothing happens at all. Story of my life.

I need to start working out. I said I was going to for this year but I havent done anything yet. I need to go and talk to the fitness people at work and get a workout plan all set up that I can use since I really don’t have a clue about what to do. I want to strengthen my back where I hurt it so I don’t hurt it again, gain endurance so I am not so tired all the time and feel better generally, and build up my strength. I don’t want huge muscles or anything. I would rather get the ones I have more cut but not bulky.

LINK OF THE DAY – Guys punching themselves in the nuts for no good reason.

1 thought on “Not much going on worth noting.”

  1. Hey, I saw something on the news tonight about poisoned pet food…did you feed your dog any dog food lately? I guess a lot of dogs died from it. They said the bad pet food didn’t make it to Nebraska, but you never know. Did you take him to the vet? They said in the article something about lifting his lip up and looking at the gums, and also to pull his eyelids back and if they look yellow in there, that’s one of the symptoms (didn’t hear what to look for on the gums). Maybe he got some bad food or something to make him throw up all the time and act strange…maybe you should take him in to the vet anyway.

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