Not sleepy.

Well my weekend has started and Jessica has gone to bed so I thought I would come and write a quick post since I’m not all that sleepy yet. I’ve made it through my first full week as a day shifter and Jessica has made it through her first full week back at work full time as well. Still haven’t heard anything new about whether she will be working a full season this year, sure wish I did so I could plan one way or the other but it is what it is I guess. Everyone has times that go well and times that don’t go well and you just have to do the best that you can and get through it I guess. I’m liking getting to sleep at night like a normal person again and I’m feeling a lot better physically. Last week I had a lot of trouble sleeping through the night but I seem to have adjusted for the most part and other than fighting the urge to stay up late (which I have done my whole life), it’s going pretty well. I still hate getting up at 5am like I always did but I wouldn’t be in the minority there would I? I do have to say that I underestimated how much of an adjustment it would be to be working in the daytime again. I can’t even count the number of times that I’ve felt like a complete dumbass new guy who didn’t know anything because of the length of time that I have been away from it. The basic skills are the same but to be good at my job you really have to know the people that you deal with a lot and be able to anticipate their needs based on what they wanted in the past and there’s just a completely different set of people who want things during the daytime that never show their faces at night and a completely different set of problems to take care of. You hear their name, flip through the mental rolodex for what to do, and the page is blank, which I don’t like the feeling of at all. I’m getting back in the swing of things though and it wont be long before I’m full speed again. Another thing that is taking some getting used to how many cooks there are in the kitchen. I’ve got to admit that I really liked being able to solve the problems that came up in whatever way I saw fit as long as the work was done and the customers were happy, so it’s taking some getting used to to be told how things are going to be done. It’s not something that was unexpected though and I’m trying to keep a good attitude about things and I’m trying to stay out of the petty bullshit that always happens when you get a large group of people together who all don’t necessarily get along with each other all the time.

Still trying to get consistent weekend daycare lined up. So far it has been a couple weekends of Jessica’s mom, my mom is coming this weekend and the weekend after that some friends are going to watch him. I can’t believe how difficult it is to get someone who wants gainful employment who is someone who we don’t know to watch him. We found one who came by and she seemed fine, but doesn’t want to do it every weekend, but other than her they have been so flaky that you can’t even get them together for a meet and greet, which makes me very worried about how reliable they would be when we actually need them to show up on time so we can go to work. I sure wish we had close relatives who lived nearby, not that I would dump him on them all the time or anything because I don’t like to take advantage of people’s generosity like that, but it sure would be nice to have someone in a pinch. Heck I even have trouble taking up our friends offer to watch him, I just feel like we are being a burden on them because we will try to pay them and they will go no no no that’s fine we don’t need it and we will end up forcing them to take it and running away so they can’t give it back. I’ve always considered myself to be very self sufficient and it makes me really uncomfortable to accept assistance from other people but I guess everyone could use help sometime, I wish I could find a way to make it more even ended and do something for the people who help me but don’t ever seem to need anything in return.

I was going to post some of the new videos that have been collecting since the last time I did videos and yea… that’s not going to happen today… I went and checked what the last things were that I put on youtube and it was a video of a mushy headed Alexander trying to figure out how to hold his head up straight and use his hands to eat (not all that successfully I might add). Now we’ve got a big chunky toddler who barely looks like the same kid running around the house along with a full 16 gigs of video and photo documentation between the last thing posted and now. 16 GIGS! Jessica has been quite prolific in recording his progression, which is a good thing because if it were left up to me all we would have would be pictures from when he was born and little else. I never think of taking pictures until after the fact and then it’s too late. I’m going to need to backup all this stuff because if something happened it would all be gone forever. Don’t know how I’m going to do that, I suppose I’ll pick up a bunch of high capacity memory cards, sort everything that’s worth saving and then store them someplace safe in case there’s a fire or the house gets robbed or the camera gets lost or something. Probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to install a fire safe someplace in the house. Anyway, I’m going to sort through all this stuff and work on posting some of these videos and pictures of my son being awesome a little bit at a time.

1 thought on “Not sleepy.”

  1. Hi–good to hear your adjusting to the day hours. Has to be a big switch for you after all the years of night duty. Hang in there though as it gets easier. I can see where the daycare for X while you work is tough to get. Take your friends offer to watch X though as I am sure he will be loved by someone who cares. Maybe you can find something to repay them with. Keep your ears open and something will come up that you can do for them.
    Will watch for the pictures as I so love seeing how that little guy is growing up. I know you two are great parents. Take care. love you GMW

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