Nothing exciting.

Well I don’t especially have anything exciting to write on here but I told myself I would update more than once every couple of weeks.  It was so damn hot outside yesterday.  I got to work at 2 and the sign said 109 degrees.  It topped out at 111 at about 2:45 and stayed there until after 6 which sucks because 2 to 6 is our busiest time.  What a miserable day.  Today was 20 degrees cooler and it was still hot.  It’s days like today when I feel sorry for the mechanics that work there.  They have to stay in the hangar working all day and we can go cool off in dispatch when there’s a break in the action.  They get us back in the winter though when they are wearing shorts in the hangar with the water heated floors and we are outside freezing our asses off.

I am not excited about moving.  Well actually being there is fine, I just hate moving all my crap from one place to another.  It’s just a pain in the ass.  I had a grand plan just like always to have everything ready well in advance but I can see that it’s just going to be like always when I throw my shit into garbage bags or whatever and do it at the last minute.  I then spend the next 6 months trying to find the stuff I want only to be greeted by stuff I never use and was looking for 8 months ago.

School is going fine I suppose.  It could be better but I am having trouble getting into it.  I just don’t feel like going to school anymore which is going to be a real obstacle when the GI-Bill money is gone and I have to come up with 20 grand to finish my bachelors at UNL.  I guess I could get it at Bellevue University.  Jordan was saying they have a thing here in Lincoln.  Then it would take what, like 14 or 15 grand?  Bleh.  I always wanted to go to UNL though.

I am sick of my hair.  I had it shaved and now I am letting it grow out because I’m sick of it always being short.  It’s been short for as long as I can remember.  I need a new hairstyle.  I don’t know what I’m going to do with it yet but for now I’ll just let it grow.  Right now it’s at that point where it’s just a white guy fro.  Can’t do a damn thing with it because it’s still too short to have enough weight to lay down on it’s own and it isn’t trained to go a certain way so it just sticks… up.  Not up in a cool way mind you, up in a mushroom head penis lookin sort of way.  Oh well.  It will go good when I grow the beard this winter.  I’ve decided to start growing that the first time I put on the cold weather gear and cut it off the first time I wear shorts next year.  Heh that’ll be like 6 months so it’ll be a mighty beard indeed.  About 3 inches long or so.  I might not make it that long, they might make me cut it off at work.  In that case I’ll cut it into a wicked foo man choo.  I cut my goatee into one of those last month for about a minute and it was kickass.  It wasn’t long enough to keep because the mustache doesn’t fully connect with the rest on it’s own when it was that short.  I still almost kept it for a day to get a laugh at work.  For now I’m going with the soul patch because it’s so low maintenance and it’s too hot outside for anything else.

Man when I said I had nothing exciting to talk about I wasn’t kidding was I?  My big accomplishment this week was getting all my mp3’s organized and tagged correctly with album art and the correct information.  MediaMonkey kicks ass by the way once you set it up the way you like it.  I’ll cut it off here.  Don’t want to talk too much about the awesomeness that is me or the bitches will be beating down my door and all the networks will be fighting over who gets to make my life story into an award winning miniseries.

3 thoughts on “Nothing exciting.”


  2. This post was just AWESOME! You should write that book! NO KIDDING! You could call it “The life of Steve” or not………..LOL.

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