Nothing much new.

Nothing really going on with me right now. Had a nice Christmas with the family. I didn’t do anything for New Years. Going out to the bars is just no fun anymore. I have a lot more free time now that I have graduated but it also means I have no money because the GI-Bill money stopped so now I am on a tight budget again which sucks. What always happens when you have no money? Something breaks. This time it was the torsion spring for the garage door. It ended up being $250 total to get that fixed. I am hating winter. My half of the driveway is still not scooped. I am hoping to just drive over it enough to make some ruts so I can get in and out instead since I hate scooping snow. I think I am the only one who shows up for work every day. Today it was pretty much just me and a couple new guys who don’t know how to do anything. Everyone else called in. It was harder getting to work yesterday than it was today and most people were at work yesterday. It’s a bunch of crap. I am trying to quit smoking but it is hard. I’ve cut down quite a bit but if I am in a store getting something else like gas I can’t help but get another pack while I am there. I do ok if I am not right there looking at them with money in my pocket. I will make another hard push for it this weekend by not going to the store for anything and pretty much staying home. Tomorrow is payday. Yay. It seems like a long time since the last one and I need the money. Truck registration is due and a big insurance payment in a couple weeks. I wanna be a kid again when I didn’t have to worry about this crap. My biggest problem was finding some good wood to use as a bike ramp. Well I don’t have anything else for now. If something happens or I am bored I will post something new.

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