Now I wait.

Well I had the interview today. I think it went pretty well. There were 4 people doing the interview at the same time. All the supervisors from each shift and a human resourses lady. They all had a bunch of questions to ask. I wasn’t expecting so many people. I had good answers for most of the things that they had to ask about and hopefully I will get the job. There will still more interviews to do for other people after me so now I wait.

EDIT: 6:42 pm – The wait is over. I got the job!

2 thoughts on “Now I wait.”

  1. YAY!!! I knew they would love you!!! Congratulations!!! Good going man!!! Wonderful…fantastic…marvelous!!! Now you can go into your old job and tell them to get f….d (oops, I mean go jump in a lake…or go jump off a bridge…or just SEE YA!) LOL! So when do you start? Soon I hope. Looks like things are finally starting to go your way! Well, now for other news…you know that big tree between our house and the neighbor to the north? Well it finally came down in the big wind today. Couldn’t have fallen in a better place too, went down to the east between their bushes and my rose bush (missed the rose bush by inches). The only thing it damaged was a little bit of the sidewalk, which is going to be replaced anyway when they redo the highway in front of our place. Lucky that no one was outside right there when it fell, cause your brothers didn’t have school and very well could have been outside. Adam said he heard sticks hitting the house and then a big bang. Pat said he was watching it sway for a while, then gave up watching it and then it went down. The city guys came and pretty much cleaned up the whole thing with their big loader. Well so much for excitement in a small town huh? Bye for now, love ya!

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