Obsessed? Nah

Greetings all. I was so afraid that we were going to get a big whopper of a snow storm that I have been consistently wishing it away for days, if this mammoth storm has passed you by I say, your welcome.

Steve says I’m obsessed with pregnancy. Can a pregnant woman really be obsessed with pregnancy? I mean I know I’m blogging about it a lot, but it is kind of all that’s going on in my life. On one hand I’m like “I’m not obsessed” and on the other hand I’m like “how can I not be consumed by this”.

I have noticed that pregnancy is a lot like getting a new or different car. I’m sure women are gasping around the world going “A baby is not like a car you callous so and so!” That’s not exactly what I mean. What I mean is when you get your new or different car you begin to notice that model of car on the street, at stoplights, driving the opposite lane of the interstate. You sense the make and model peripherally and in the rear view mirror. You never realized your unique car is freaking everywhere. Same goes with pregnant women – they are EVERYWHERE. I never really paid attention to the make and model of the pregnant woman. But now I am super hero strength aware.

Steve and I were at the mall the other day and I was using the clock image to point them out. “10 o’clock Steve, by the watch kiosk…3 o’clock Steve, near the puzzles”. Then we’d have the is she fat or pregnant debate on several women – this is the stage I’m entering and am highly aware that at this point in time folks could go either way with me. It is so surprising to me that this segment of the population has been completely invisible to me until I became one of them. Either there is going to be a major population boom, or this is just business as usual.

Obsessed? I just don’t know. I don’t have the desire to go pick up and cuddle other people’s babies. In fact I’m relishing the fact that mine is still completely self contained. I do sometimes recant to Steve things I’ve read about being pregnant. When I do this he rolls his eyes and is like women have been doing this forever, do you really think that lying on your back is really that bad for you? And I think he has a point, but I’m a little paranoid about these little things anyway. It is just the plight of the first time mother. Isn’t it? I’m normal right?

I am thankful to my husband for putting up with me and thankful he has given me the opportunity to bogart his website. I’m pretty much the last of many friends and family “of a certain age” to go through this life lesson. I absolutely love hearing from you. Please feel free to lend words of advice to Steve and I, tell your stories or just say hi. And if you could back me up on this whole obsessed business I’d appreciate it.

2 thoughts on “Obsessed? Nah”

  1. ROFL! Jess, I like you more every day! You are bringing back memories of my pregnancys (spelling?). I really had the mood swings with Steve, going from laughing to crying and back again at the drop of a hat. You probably won’t remember the actual aches and pains (of being pregnant) after you have the baby…you’ll just be obsessing about the baby then lol. Will you be nursing the baby or bottle feeding? Not that you have to decide now…and women HAVE been doing this for a long time, but has a man ever been pregnant? They can only experience it 2nd hand. Anyway, you guys need to enjoy every part of it because the time just flies by and before you know it you’re waiting for grandchildren! (I feel old now…)

    Oh, and I’m glad we didn’t get the monster storm here either (I was wishing it away from this side). You’re welcome too.

    Hey, what’s the plan next week? Last I heard from Steve was that he has the 19th off…

    OK, that’s all I got today. Love ya!

  2. Well Cindy, don’t feel old just yet cause we are going to need you to be prepared to take on baby! As far as the nursing or bottle feeding, at this time I’m going to say both. And as far as the weekend of the 19th, we want you to get here, mmmk? Let us know.

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