Off work.

Well it’s 4am and I’m awake. Normally I would be at work but I traded with the weekend guy for Sunday night because he’s taking a trip or something and needed Sunday off. I’m a week and a half into school and I’m starting to get into the groove a little more than I was at first. I was feeling a little stressed out for a while for no real reason, I guess because I wasn’t used to being on schedules where I had stuff due. The class isn’t that hard, it’s just boring is all.

I’m running 5 races in the next 5 weeks. A 5 miler here in town on Sunday, a week later a 5k in Manley with my Uncle Joe. He picks the most random races to want to run, I don’t get it. Anyway the week after that is the Omaha Half Marathon, then the Duncan Triathlon in Ashland and then finally the Bohemian Alps Half Marathon in Brainard. I don’t know why I’m running so many, it just worked out that way. I’ll end up with 2 finishers medals for the halfs and no medal this year for the triathlon because I’m teaming with Ed and he is going to do no training whatsoever. He’ll be lucky if his bike doesn’t have 2 flat tires from sitting so long when he goes to pull it out of his garage on the morning of the race. I’ll have to attach a piece of chicken on a stick to the front of his bike or something.

I went ahead and installed that garbage Windows Vista on the Macbook in a virtual machine since I had the old copy laying around from when it first came out. I wanted to keep XP on there but since it wasn’t a legal copy I couldn’t keep it updated with all the newest service packs and updates. Might as well just get it over with since I was going to have to do it eventually. Vista sucks. I upgraded the Macbook to 4 gigs of RAM so I could run all that crap at the same time and now it runs really great.

Football season is here. I didn’t really get to enjoy it because I had to work the gameday traffic at work. I’ve got this weekend off though so I have to find someplace to watch the game. Damn pay per view… At least it’s on tv I guess.

The winter beard is coming along well. I’m on day 37 now. I thought I might have started it too soon but nope. This stupid state goes from 100 degrees to cold in a matter of days. I will be glad to have the big beard come 3am in the dead of winter. That reminds me, I need to go buy some new boots now or I won’t be able to find my size when I really need them. winter… blech…

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