Oh it’s my turn.

I was going to try and post something a while ago but I saw that Jessica already had something drafted but not posted yet. Apparently I have to put something up first though because it’s “my turn”. I didn’t know we were doing it that way, I thought that we were just putting something up if we had something to say. I guess that’s the trouble nowadays, I don’t really feel like I have much to say a lot of the time. I don’t do much of anything but go to work and go home. I do my school work. There isn’t anything really to talk about because everything is about the baby now. I don’t even think I do all that great of a job with the baby to be honest with you. I mean I do a fine job when I am with him but I feel like Jessica does the vast majority of dealing with him by far, I’m just not wired for little babies and I find them mentally tiring after very a short period of time so a lot of the time I don’t feel like I’m doing my fair share. I’m so glad and thankful that Jessica has shown a great maternal instinct when it comes to Alexander, she has an ear open 24 hours a day and leaps into action whenever he is in need. She says her main goal is to keep him alive and he is doing that and more. What we have now is a giant thriving baby. For his age he is a huge (but proportional), outgrowing clothes before he even gets the chance to wear them. I think at 3 months he is more the size of a 6 month old or bigger. He is a pretty good kid and is always full of smiles and ready to “talk” to you. I did jinx Jessica though by saying that we were doing pretty good by not having dropped him or hit his head on anything yet after more than 3 months, she then whacked the back of his head into the swing the very next day. He was fine though, only cried for a few seconds. Anyway, he is doing well, he is scared of monkeys and loud noises, likes to jump and be held, and is starting to make use of his hands to manipulate the things around him. Not crawling yet or making much progress there, he mostly just holds his head up and gets mad that he can’t do anything when he’s on his stomach but it will come soon enough.

I’m done with school for another semester, went full time the last couple months and got another couple A’s in my classes. Two more classes and I will graduate summa cum laude after spending a decade off and on in school. What will I do with that degree? Who knows? Maybe something. Maybe nothing. Time will tell, but I guess it is better to have the degree than not. I really wish I could start my own business but it is so difficult to take the leap from the stability that I have now. Plus I have a family to take care of now so it’s hard to forgo the benefits like health insurance. We were talking about Jessica starting her freelance business back up again and doing some video editing work again. She also has some ideas about some nature stuff that she wants to do with kids that she would like to explore. Why the hell not? Better for her to deal with the instability that a business of your own brings since all of her income is already pretty unstable as it is. By that I mean that my income and benefits would be the stable part that allows her to have the instability to try and grow something. Again who knows there, we will see. The park wants her to come back full time in March which is earlier than expected. We need to figure out daycare for the boy which is a pain in the ass since we don’t need someone all the time, just on the days where we are both working so we would only need something for 2 or 3 days a week. Plus the fact that we both work in different towns in different directions makes it difficult for one of us to drop him off and the other to pick him up. It will work out one way or another I guess.

I’ve been sick for over a week now. I rarely get sick but when I do I just can’t shake it. First I had flu like symptoms and had a fever so I tried to sleep it off. I pretty much slept from Sunday night until almost Tuesday around noonish. Missed a day of work but after that I went in because I still felt like crap but felt well enough to not miss work. I was hating life though because it was so cold and it had snowed. Every year around this time of year I ponder a new line of work. A few days into that on Thursday I got a real bad ear infection that kicked my ass. So painful. No, I didn’t go to the doctor. No, I’m not going to the doctor. Why? Because I’m tired of every time that someone goes to the doctor in this house it’s a week’s pay out of my pocket. I took some Amoxicillin that we already had in the medicine cabinet. Here it is on Wednesday now and it’s finally broken and it doesn’t really hurt anymore, but I still can’t hear fully out of my left ear.

I’m going to attempt the full Lincoln Marathon again in May. I’m going to try the run/walk method this time so I can successfully finish. Last time I attempted the full I hurt myself and wasn’t able to run. Jessica is going to run the half again, I think this will be her third one? Maybe fourth? Pretty good for someone who wasn’t really active before. She quit smoking, doesn’t really drink much any more and and runs in races. I guess I’m a good influence on her…

I guess the only other news that I feel like going into is that my winter beard is coming along nicely. I’m about 3 months in and it’s starting to get pretty ginormous. I’ve never let it go this long and I like it. It’s kind of curly which I didn’t know before and I’m starting to get used to the mustache part which was always the part that drove me crazy. I almost shaved it several times during the crappy stages but Jessica said no, don’t do it, you’ll regret it, so I didn’t and she was right. I did trim it up a little bit but it didn’t really make much of a difference in the look of it because of the curliness and wiriness of it. It really did make my face a lot warmer outside when it was cold too which was nice. My plan is to grow it through March when Winter officially is over and it warms up again.

2 thoughts on “Oh it’s my turn.”

  1. I always enjoy reading when you write something…congrats on the degree…congrats on everything else in your life especially that family of yours! Good job hairy faced hard working educated daddy and husband! Love ya, bye for now. Mom

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