
I ran my 9 miles tonight and I really struggled on it. I don’t know what it was but it was painful. I think part of it was that I was so cold. What the hell is with this state? I looked after I got back and it was like 10 degrees above freezing. I swear not all that long ago I was overheating even in the middle of the night. I guess that means I’ll have to cut short the overnight running, or at least start using the treadmill instead. Maybe I’ll join the Y over the winter since they have an indoor track… at least I think they do I’m not sure.

I shaved the beard. Yea yea yea I know, but I had a date so piss off. I can grow another beard in a couple weeks but I haven’t been on all that many dates lately so I thought it might be better if I didn’t look like a dirty homeless axe murderer. I decided to try something different instead of the cliche’ things to do and took her geocaching in Pioneer’s Park. It would either be a hit or a huge bust and it turned out pretty good (I think, I’ve been wrong before). It could have gone a little better when it came to actually finding the hidden items (we only found 2 out of I don’t know how many) but all in all it was pretty fun. The dog also had a blast since I brought him along and going to the park is just about his favorite thing in the world. I didn’t douche out as bad as I normally do on first dates (I get really really nervous) and said or did very little that I want to smack myself in the forehead afterward for. We’re going out again next weekend and I’m optimistic. Yay for optimism!

2 thoughts on “Ouch.”

  1. OK, try working 25 days in a row without a day off…talk about struggling…it looks like I won’t get a day off until maybe next Tuesday, which would make it 25 days in a row of work…yeah…isn’t there a law against that? If not, there aught to be. anyway, good luck on your 2nd date, love ya, bye.

  2. Yea I’ve done something similar. It’s no fun to work that much.

    As for the date… There’s no luck involved. I’m sure she will find my overwhelming machismo irresistible. I emit machismo like crazy, you can practically smell it. Noo wait… no I was mistaken. It’s not machismo I was smelling there. I spilled jet fuel all over myself last night. Machismo and jet fuel smell similar so you could see how I could be mistaken. Anyway I’m looking forward to tonight.

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