P for participation!

Well we had the Duncan Aviation basketball tournament this morning and we won! And by we I mean I rode the pine the majority of the time while the Burhoop brothers and Mike ran the table in the eight team double elimination tournament. I played the role of the short blond kid in Hoosiers or maybe Rudy. You know, emotional support, clapping when our team scores, and looking around and going “me?” when subbing in. I really didn’t play that much which to tell you the truth didn’t bother me a whole lot. I am under no illusions that I have any game any more. Not after not playing for over a decade. I’m a team player and my role in this one was just to be there in case someone turned an ankle or testicle or something. I need to get back in the gym and get back into shape. Playing basketbrawl every day was one of the things that I really used to enjoy doing but I am so out of shape now and I am disgusted by how much I suck. Not to mention the fact that my back hurts so bad and I can’t bend around that much now trying to get rebounds. Sucking so bad makes me want to get back into shape and start playing again but I will have to change my game from the old days. No more playing in the paint and getting the shit kicked out of me, hell I hardly played today and by back is jacked up again. I’ll have to take the old man route and stick with the coffin nails from outside the three point line. Those are real killers, hell, someone won with one today. Anyway I didn’t school anyone or throw down any dunks. Exactly zero points scored, fouled hard a couple times and a couple rebounds. I also didn’t get a t-shirt which is the universal proof of participation, those went to the runners up but I did get a $20 gift certificate to Scheels and a red Duncan Aviation coozy. Score!


I do feel sorry for Justin though, he worked a 16 hour shift yesterday, got off at 6am this morning, slept for an hour, came to the tournament at 8:30 played until 12:30, home to shower then back to work at 2 for another 16 hour shift. Ouch. Well its the weekend, hopefully he disappears to nap in the van this afternoon and overnight he can get 3 or 4 hours in. Well thats all I’ve got for now, I’m in the middle of two whole days off and I think I’m going to go ride the bike and run the dog alongside to get him some exercise.

5 thoughts on “P for participation!”

  1. Yeah, you’re welcome for making you either play a sport or get a job. You picked “play a sport”. Your brother graduates in 2 weeks (May 12 at 3pm). Are you planning on coming? k bye.

  2. Uhh, I think your memory is getting a little hazy in your old age mom. I’m pretty sure I picked “get a job” as soon as it was legal for me to work more than like 10 hours a week (16 yrs old). The only time I picked “play a sport” was when I was a sophomore and my choice was “play a sport” or “foot up your ass”. I had one glorious season on the JV basketball team finishing with 4 points on the season and hated every single second of it. I did however like playing basketbrawl over the lunch hour which was actually fun. Of course I’m coming to Adam’s graduation. Why do you keep asking me like I have a choice?

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