Partial Accomplishment Pride

Greetings all. It’s a lovely rainy spring morning with…a chance of snow. Gotta love Nebraska weather, I really do, for the most part. I have two partial accomplishments that I am pretty proud of, working my way up to an extremely proud status. The first one is, I started some plants by seed. Some heirloom tomatoes, peppers, and a few varieties of wildflowers that I put in little pots with soil. I’ve been taking them outside every nice day and every evening I bring them inside and strain to see the slightest little plant poking out. Well, yesterday was a crappy day and I kept the plants inside and guess what? Three of the tomato pots have produced three tiny plants! Holy Cow I hope I can keep them alive! …I have the same fear about my son, but anyway…

Partial accomplishment number two is I have almost finished sewing my first 1960’s authentic pattern of a sundress. All I have to do is hem the bottom and the top. I have never hemmed so this will take another tutorial via the web. The most difficult part, so far, has been the straps, getting them just right to fit me good. I have settled for just right enough, not perfect, but functional. I did this all yesterday! Well yesterday morning, afternoon and night until I went to bed. I learned how to properly lay out the entire pattern on the fabric all at once – note, there is a diagram on how to lay it out – double note, if the pattern diagram has a piece with diagonal lines on it, the pattern piece is to be laid upside down on the fabric then pinned. If you realize this after you’ve pinned all the pieces on the fabric you feel like a giant idiot as you unpin to start all over again eating up most of the morning. Just saying.

I also learned how to thread a sewing machine and use it, for the most part. And I successfully gathered – if you do not know what gathering is take my word when I tell you it is extremely difficult – just kidding, but it’s hard to explain. When Steve got up I was hard at it and he asked to see what I’ve done so far. The apparent shock on his face made me laugh when he said, “It looks like…a dress.” I said, “I know, it’s amazing!”

Now that I think about it I have another partial accomplishment. I got out most of the invites for our party before the ink ran out in my printer! So the first wave has been sent, the second wave will come when I decide to get more ink or just make black and white copies – which I like color, but I’m also cheap so, it’s a hard decision. I hope to get the rest out by early next week.

And now, I sit. Drinking my decaf coffee, enjoying the rain and my morning brain suck programming. Everyone else in the house is sleeping. Steve is upstairs, the cats are curled up in various places on the couch along with the dog that has buried himself under the blankets. I think even the baby is sleeping after I filled my belly with a yummy bacon and egg sandwich. I’m wide awake though, thinking about hemming…

2 thoughts on “Partial Accomplishment Pride”

  1. Sewing can be so fun, yet so frustrating! I think making pants was my biggest discovery; the crotch is very tricky! Lissy was a very tall but skinny child, so I sewed a lot of her clothes for a couple years. (I loved elastic pants!) As I got older and wiser, I learned you could hem your home made curtains with iron on tape! What a time saver. My sewing machine was a very old, Sears brand, very simple. It had its issues, but I learned to fix it which really made me feel more accomplished than the sewing ever did. Enjoy your spring Jess!

  2. I’m glad your sundress is looking like a dress! I haven’t done anything on the sewing machine for such a long time…mostly because I just don’t feel like doing it. The last thing I made was a purse out of old blue jeans, that was a few years ago. I did make my wedding dress (so very very long ago). Anyway, we’re looking forward to coming for your party in June. Probably won’t do any camping though, and we’re glad we have the motel room. That will be a lot more comfortable than sleeping in a tent. OK, good luck with keeping the tomatoes alive…and I’m sure you’ll do even better with the baby ha! Love ya, and we’ll see you again soon!

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