
The pictures from Gabe’s camera finally came in today! Theres a ton of them. Not only from the trip but also a bunch of stuff from Iraq. Most of it really gory I’m afraid. I will put those up too but I am going to password them so when they go up if you really really want to see them you can get in touch with me and I can let you in to that part. They are just too bad to be available for everyone and their mother to look at. The ones from the trip came out great though. I’m pissed off that most of the ones that I am in I look stupid. For some reason I did this leaning in thing cause I always felt like I was out of frame but when I see the pictures now I have like 3 feet before I get cut off. doh! Oh well. I will try to get those pictures up as soon as I can. I have stuff to do tonight, and I have the Christmas party for work tomorrow, then graduation on Saturday. After that I don’t think I have anything really going on so I will try to get them thrown up with some captions. Theres like 460 pictures to go through but I dont think I will use them all since a lot of it is pictures of Gabe that don’t really apply to anything with me. Thats all I got for now. Later.

1 thought on “Pictures!”

  1. Hi there, I’m looking forward to coming to your graduation Saturday. We will take you out to eat afterwards…maybe at the Outback Steakhouse. Also I want that password to see those other pictures…your dad wants to see them too. Anyway, we will be there Saturday…see you then. Love ya! Mom

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Well Kasey got some of his pictures developed and a lot of them turned out great. I am in the process of scanning them into the computer now and should have them up soon.

5 thoughts on “Pictures”

  1. Have I mentioned lately that I hate you? Well, if not… I hate you. Add some color to this site, it’s giving me a headache looking at it. I know you don’t have a life, you could spend 5 minutes on the site to at least add a background color again. K, bye.

  2. You’ve never met him mom. He’s one of my best friends, he’s living in Alaska now. Now on to you Chris. Blow me chicklet teeth. I’m not going to change the site colors. I like them this way for now. When I get tired of the way it looks in a couple months I will change it again.

  3. Oh yeah, forgot to mention… You’re gay. Also, Hi mom! I’d call you by your name, but I don’t know it.

  4. Mom’s good, but my name is Cindy. And I guess that I can call you by name now too, Chris. You’re the closest thing to a reality check for Steve that I’ve seen on here…not afraid to give him some shit (oops, did I say that?). Anyway, where are those pictures Steve? We’re all excited to see them! Later…love ya!

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