Pictures are up!

Check the pictures link on the left. I finally got some of the trip pictures up. I don’t have everything that I have up there yet because I haven’t gotten them all scanned and I don’t have the captions for what most of the pictures are but at least there’s something to look at. It’s taking a lot longer than I thought to go through all these things and get them posted with what they are. Have fun.

4 thoughts on “Pictures are up!”

  1. Isn’t Europe just great? Besides France I mean. Did you get some good jeiger-schnitzel while you were in Germany? How about the stairs? Did you walk the stairs in Frankfurt? K, well anyways, glad you had fun and I’ll be waiting for your next drunken phone call accusing me of not answering the phone when I’m actually not here. Imagine that… Anyways, take it easy. Later.

  2. I got some good schnitzel while I was there. I also had some that wasn’t so good. I never got to Frankfurt. We were staying in Garmisch which has a resort for military people called Edelweiss. We took the train to Munich for Oktoberfest. If you can ever take a vacation I highly reccomend staying there. That place was sweet.

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