Please insert clever title here.

Well I have to admit that I don’t really have much motivation to write anything today but something is due I suppose or people start bothering me about it. I got no response from the professor which was kind of disappointing but not unexpected. At least the 15 year old put up a little bit of a fight about it even if it wasn’t a very good one. I’m actually getting tired of the whole thing though, so I am going to go ahead and end all discussion on the topic if only for the fact that it bores me.

Speaking of boring here’s a subject for you. The DMV. I just wanted to make the comment that the Lancaster County DMV up on 46th Street here in Lincoln is the best DMV I have ever dealt with during my travelings. I had to get my drivers license renewed the other day and it literally took a couple minutes in and out. Every time I have ever been in there it was the same way regardless of what I was there for. It kind of feels like that commercial that they have where ordinary service shouldn’t get a parade or a choir singing “oooooooh they got it riiiight!” because that’s the way it should be in the first place. Considering some of the times I have been in the DMV in other places though with number 96 in my hand and and the sign says now serving number 13, and then sitting there for a couple hours I thought the great service by our state employees should be recognized even if it’s just by me. Hell who knows, maybe I have the same clout in funding that I seem to have in the art world and they will all get a nice raise. I’m all for that.

I finally went out and bought a new bike on Saturday. It cost quite a bit of money, more money than I would normally spend on something like that but it was worth it I suppose. I went out and rode for quite a while on Saturday and ended the riding day with 2 flat tires. I bet there’s something you don’t know about higher end bikes, instead of schrader valves which is the valve that comes on pretty much every damn tire there is, they come equipped with presta valves. It’s just something that makes you curse. Of course I don’t have anything at home that fits so I have to go back to the bike shop to buy an adapter so normal schrader pumps work on it. Why not just make it a schrader valve to begin with? I’ll tell you why. Since Wal-Mart and the local stores that carry inexpensive tubes don’t seem to carry tubes with presta valves, and inexpensive tubes don’t fit the smaller hole in the rim made for presta valves this forces you to drive across town to the expensive bike shop where you have to pay 5 times as much for a freakin’ tube. Some sort of mafia racket is my best guess. Whenever I get too many patches in the tubes I have now I will most likely drill out the hole in the rims so I can just get a regular tube in there and be done with it. Here’s a picture of the new bike next to the old bike. As you can see it is way bigger and taller. I think it was one of the tallest bikes in the shop. When I ride it actually feels like it fits me and I’m not on a little kids bike.


Sunday was my 30th birthday although I didn’t really celebrate it. I spent the morning doing some geocaching and riding the bike around and in the afternoon Kasey and I went out for a little while to Pawnee with the jet ski for the first time this year. It was a little cool and windy but it wasn’t that bad. We didn’t stay out that long because I was already pretty worn out from riding the bike all morning, not to mention I wanted to get a nap in before working the overnight shift. Thanks to everyone who sent me birthday wishes. I enjoyed the story from Mike about his 30th and also the advise from Chris which basically amounted to “quit being a bitch”. Not extremely helpful but it certainly is unmistakable where it came from. When are you moving to Offutt so I can punch you during the Husker games again when you talk shit?

I got a request from Kramer. He had a big landscaping project in his backyard over the weekend which gave him a lot of problems. It turns out that the phrase “cheaper than dirt” apparently means the current price of silver or something and does not in fact mean that it is cheap at all. He ended up with a while lot of railroad timbers that would do a great job of holding something back but is currently holding back nothing and 2 pitifully small piles of soil for his efforts. He wants me to use all my internet powers to scam… er.. I mean start the latest internet trend called “50 States in My Backyard”. The goal is to get dirt from all 50 states to fill the massive empty area with dirt. I don’t think he will have much luck since I don’t really have that many readers to begin with and even less of them that would send him dirt. My hope is that it gets picked up by some major news outlet and that he starts getting like 100 pounds of dirt a day in the mail for years on end. So much dirt that he’s begging for it to stop because he’s long ago run out of a place to put it. I’m picturing it in my mind now. “FOR THE LOVE OF GOD QUIT SENDING ME YOUR DAMN DIRT!” Heh.

Anyway here’s his address if you want to send him some of your dirt.

50 States in My Backyard
C/O Chuck Kramer
408 Santa Fe Trail
Lincoln, NE 68521

10 thoughts on “Please insert clever title here.”

  1. Happy 30th Steve! Mike told me that he sent you a little note about what was happening in his life when he turned 30….a LONG time ago. He hasn’t showed me what he wrote but HE DARNED WELL BETTER HAVE MENTIONED ME, since I was the best part of his 30th!!!! Hope you have the best year of your life!

  2. I keep a spare there just in case. You never know when you might come across a Vivid Video lesbian porno shoot out on the bike trails.

  3. Just got caught up on al your posts…

    Sorry if you don’t like videos of dogs eating bubbles (Hoop’s site)…that blog was originally intended to be a way for the relatives to see the boy’s progress. The target audience was never intended to include sarcastic jerks. I just got internet access, so look for an update in the next couple days.

    You should get some “Slime Tubes” for your bike if you continue to have problems with flats. They work great. You can get “Slime” to put into your existing tubes, but the tubes you buy with the slime already inside seem to work better…they have something else inside that feels kinda like a Scotch-brite pad or something. I think its so the slime doesn’t pool up and create an imbalance.

    Anyway…happy birthday. And I like your bike. Is it worth more than your truck?

  4. I love videos of dogs eating bubbles. It inspires me to join the revolution! I can’t get the slime for my tires. From what I understand you need tubes with schrader valves in them so you can remove the core and put the slime in. Mine has presta valves and you can’t remove the core, and I think the preslimed tubes have the bigger fill valves so they don’t fit my rim. Like I was saying, it’s some sort of mafia tube conspiracy. And yes, the bike is most likely worth more than the truck at this point.

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